submissiopn 1 | Teen Ink

submissiopn 1

January 8, 2013
By jst.louis BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
jst.louis BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I sat on the splintered bench shaking from the sting of the cold November wind. I peeled the hair that was plastered to my face for probably the hundredth time, impatient. I hated waiting, especially for such an unpleasant meeting.

A large, familiar silhouette slowly approached me and my heart started racing, I began to feel sick. The closer he got, the more nervous I became unsure if I would be able to go through this.

“Where’s Sabrina?” His deep, smooth voice sent chills through my spine.

I tugged and twisted my floral scarf and could barely get the words out.

“She’s at home. With her real father.” I whispered and diverted my eyes from Christopher’s sharp, sophisticated features. HE stood there, unable to believe the results had finally come. I stood up, and looked into his eyes, taken aback by the overwhelming amount of sadness and hopelessness that were there. Regret gripped my insides and I had to blink back tears. I never even warned him the paternity test results had come.

“You knew it could happen. We all knew Jeremy could be the father just as much as you.” I tried to explain, as I looked up at him, unable to tear my eyes from his tear streaked face.

“I still want to see her. Right now.” He said in a monotonous dry choke and I watched him clench and unclench his hands.

“No. I don’t want her to know you. It’ll just be confusing.” Christopher’s eyes bulged and he instantly grabbed me squeezing my arms tighter every second. I trembled in his grip, fear racing through my entire body.

“I want to see her.” He demanded his harsh tone cutting the icy air. Staring at him, looking at the pure rage that had taken over his features, I tried to twist out of his grasp. Suddenly, his eyes and facial expression seemed to vanish and he looked dead on the inside. Christopher released the grip he had on my arms and I fell to the ground, the cold, wet grass cushioning my fall.

He turned away, saying nothing and vanished, the fog consuming his silhouette. I remained on the ground, propped up on my elbows and tried to catch my breath.

Why would he give up so easily? I wondered and feared what might come next. Slowly forcing myself off the ground, teeth shattering from the cold, I brushed myself off and started my mission home.

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