Suspicion | Teen Ink


January 8, 2013
By Kie2013 BRONZE, New York City, New York
Kie2013 BRONZE, New York City, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


t was a bright, sunny, clear day outside on a Wednesday, at the beginning of May. Usually, 16 year-old Madison gets out of school at 1:30. She never told her mother about her new early schedule this junior year. She would just hang out with her friends and occasionally her boyfriend, Mercy, when he wasn’t suspended for fighting. Today, Madison and Mercy planned their early Wednesday together. They both agreed on ordering Chinese food that she talked about and craved all day, and going to Mercy’s house, which was located directly across the street. The end of their day arrived. Mercy and Madison walked across the street to his house when she remembered her Chinese food craving. Mercy begged to accompany her because of his dangerous, troublesome past. Madison promised she would be perfectly fine. After about seven minutes of Madison not giving in Mercy gave up and let her go alone to the Chinese store. He watched her cross the street and enter the restaurant. Mercy followed after her. “Did you really think I would let you go alone?”
“Not really’ but I was hoping.” Madison said as she smiled at her sometimes overprotective boyfriend. Ten minutes later Madison’s order was ready. They walked back to Mercy’s house, noticing seven boys known for starting trouble standing in front of his building, two of them Mercy recently had conflict with; the couple peacefully went into the building. As they waited for the elevator Mercy was staring at his girlfriend. “Why are you staring at me all worried?” Madison asked.
“Because...” Mercy said as he walked over to hug her. “I love you more than my life itself.” He said in fear it might be the last time he will be able to tell her love’s her. The elevator came and they peacefully went upstairs with their food. After they was finish eating their food Mercy’s mother asked him to go to the pharmacy to get her high blood pressure pills. Mercy put his jacket on and did his mother the favor she asked him to . As Mercy went to the pharmacy Madison and Mercy’s mother, Marie talked about school, family and of course Mercy his self. “How’s school so far going for you?” Marie asked.
”So far so good, getting the 80s and 90s that I promised my mother.”
“That’s wonderful, glad to hear you have goals set for yourself!”
“Of course, besides my mother, younger sister and Mercy I need some type of motivation!” They agreed and laughed together. It began to get silent. Marie brought up the conflict between Mercy and the two boys, not knowing Madison was unaware about. “Have Mercy told you why he hasn’t been in school or coming to see you as much in the last two weeks?”
“Yea, he told me about his knee starting to hurt more than usual. i told him maybe it is because of the cold change of whether.” Madison began to realize the confused look on Marie’s face. Madison asked her what was wrong. As tears dropped from Marie’s face she explained to Madison about Mercy’s conflict with the two boys a few weeks ago. That is when Marie and Madison realized how long Mercy was taking to come back upstairs from the pharmacy. Worried Madison began to put on her pink and blue sweater to go outside and look for Mercy. As Madison waited for the elevator a handful of bad thoughts ran through her head. The elevator door opened with Mercy balled up in the corner of holding his stomach with a bloody mouth and nose, swollen eyes and a ripped bloody shirt. Madison ran into the elevator to a bloody, hurt Mercy. Madison couldn’t even believe what she was seeing. She sat on the elevator floor next to Mercy filled with tears. “Who did this to you?” cried Madison. Mercy was in so much pain he couldn’t answer her. The elevator door ended up closing and on its way to the lobby. Madison quickly pressed the floor below them. Then back to Mercy’s floor. When the elevator door opens on Mercy’s floor Madison didn’t want to leave Mercy alone so she just screamed his mother’s name as loud as she can. “MARIE!” She yelled, she heard a response.
“Maddy?” Mary answered back from inside of her house.
“Maaaa” Mercy tried his hardest to yell for his mother. Madison herd Marie quickly walked towards the elevator. In fear of what she might see. Marie got to the elevator to see her hurt son Mercy in the arms of devastated Madison. Madison looked up with tears in her eyes and down her checks. Mary looked at them in, sorrow and disbelief as she dropped to her knees to cater to her youngest son Mercy. Madison ran into the house to call Marcy’s oldest brother, Masson. When Madison returned back to Mercy and his mother she had Mercy laying on her lap as she held his bloody stomach while she began to tremble and weep. Mercy’s face began to turn pale his lips chattered and turned blue. Mary put pressure on to his stomach to control the bleeding. Madison ran to call the ambulance. But when she returned, it was too late.

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