I Will Wait | Teen Ink

I Will Wait

January 13, 2013
By bwhigham99 BRONZE, Barrington, Illinois
bwhigham99 BRONZE, Barrington, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I will wait. My fickle mind knows not of the time that has passed, and for that I breathe a shaky sigh of relief. Years, decades, centuries have been blurred past my sparkling eyes, but I pay them no mind. I am only waiting. I wait for a new dawn. I wait for a sunrise that shines brighter than all before it; one that rids of the dark circles below my eyes and vibrates my brittle bones. I wait for hope in a time when all think it is lost; shattered into jagged pieces over time by a swift hammer of melancholy. I will wait for a love that was and will be again. I do not doubt that it will come eventually. I feel its weight in every stretch of muscle below my paper skin, every quick footstep upon broken concrete, and every single slow, calculated beat of my tired heart. I see it press down on the tops of trees, their branches cracking as if they have anticipated their downfall all along. This is because they, too, know of the great future that is upon us all: a future that will again move mountains and defy the universe entirely. And for this, I will wait.

The author's comments:
I wrote this excerpt because I have hope for the future of us all. Writing about the future means that there are no guidelines set because no one knows what is to come in the years ahead, and I like that I get to explore the possibilities in whichever ways I like.

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