Just a Dream ?! | Teen Ink

Just a Dream ?!

January 28, 2013
By ladybelle BRONZE, Struga, Other
ladybelle BRONZE, Struga, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The future belongs on those who belive in the beauty of their dreams!!-Eleonor Rusvelt

It was a misty morning. She has just arrived in the big city, in one hand holding her luggage and the other her valise full of dreams. She could not believe to her eyes that she was a step closer to make her dreams come true. All those things that she hadn't have in her small hometown, now they were in front of her. She was amazed by the incredible skyscrapers around her, and those wide streets made her feel like she was at the center of the world. And she was..
At one moment she was scared, she wondered-How can a girl from a district to succeed in a city like this, but than she remembered to her favourite quote, one simple quote that was keeping her alive " If your dreams don't scare you, they are not big enough". At the other moment she was already enjoying as the wind was blowing,and she was facing it like it was some kind of match. She wanted to show yourself, to city, to the people that she was ready, and nothing can stop her. A new power was in her lungs, a new magic was making her stronger, a new challenges was out there, waiting for her. All of sudden,as she was admiring the beauty and the perfects of the city, the rain started to pour heavily. This rain has surprised her, an unexpected enemy on the way. Her black dress, and her black hat was wet at just one second. But, fortunately, from nowhere a tall, handsome man appeared in front of her. With an umbrella in his hand, he took hers luggage and together they went somewhere. Perhaps at the nearest cafe, or to his house maybe. Whatever! But does that mean a very good beginning for her? Does the life, the destiny was making a new surprise or disappointment.

The alarm rang.
-Sweetheart get up, it's time. - Her mother shouted.
It was just a dream- she whispered.
Now it's time to be brave. Can I?

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