Me in mexico | Teen Ink

Me in mexico

January 17, 2013
By erik12 BRONZE, Everson, Washington
erik12 BRONZE, Everson, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Since I was born all my mother has done was to work to be able to feed and care for me. Since then I have grown bigger and it was time for me to join her in working. My mother started to show me how to do things so we could make ends meet. I loved to draw and use figures and put them in different figures. I didn’t know it at the time but I was an artist a painter. But for now painting and drawing wasn’t an option.

My mother would always say to think only how things could benefit me or her mostly because we would always spend time working to sustain ourselves. It was hard for my mother and me as Mexicans for us we would always spend our lives suffering and using the things we had, to help us because we couldn’t afford to spend money on things we couldn’t use.

As a (young) teenager I started helping her more we had saved money and opened up a very small flower shop so me and her can work more peacefully. I would always help her by grabbing my big woven basket and strapping it on my back to get it to the field of flowers we planted flower by flower I would put them in my basket filling it every hour even heavier than the last. I thought to myself this isn’t what I want to do I want to do something better than this I didn’t want to spend my time walking back and forth carrying flowers to barely make it by in life.
I took the little money I had from what I earned here and there. I decided to draw something for my mother from all the appreciation I had for her, and I painted a giant mural on the side of the shop. To most people that went near the shop they didn’t go to see the flowers they went to go see the mural.

Eventually a principal at an Academy Of Arts saw it and never saw anything like it. To him it was a piece of fantastic art and he went to the shop and offered me a full scholarship to the academy and since it was all paid for; my mother and I accepted the scholarship. And soon I was attending a school where I could learn and do things I liked. I was also soon out of there and ready to get back to my mother and start my new life as a certified artist.

When I was back, I went to go be with my mother and I saw that there was no more shop. Nothing was there everything was gone including the building. I stopped by the house and there she was crying saying that she was happy to see me again and that without me she couldn’t get more flowers there and they had to clear her out and demolish the building because she couldn’t pay for repairs.

As soon I got up the next day I knew I had to do something so I set out to go find a job.
Even though I was a certified artist I got a job at an art gallery but as a janitor. Anything at that time was perfect. As time went on I met a woman that would always go see the paintings there. And I asked her out for a date and she accepted.

Two years later I married that same woman. After we settled in in a small house on a mountain like the one I used to live in she got pregnant and we had a wonderful little boy. As time was going by and the principal at my sons school asked if I could paint murals on the walls of their school, as part of an art foundation. As an artist I took that job to help out my son and the students of his school.

More and more people liked my work and more and more people were paying for my work and the money was pouring in and I actually had money I could give to my family and my mother to help out. Even the president wanted me to paint inside and outside his mansion. I soon had enough money to open an art gallery of my own and more and more of them were starting to pop up all over Mexico and my dreams were becoming my life.

One day I was gone and everything past down to my son looking back at everything my life was one big but simple message anything you want you have to work for it and in the end there is no regrets. It is possible for anyone I was a poor Mexican into a rich artist but it all takes time.

The author's comments:
was done while looking at art

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