There is Always Something Hidden | Teen Ink

There is Always Something Hidden

January 17, 2013
By JonArndt BRONZE, Plymouth, Minnesota
JonArndt BRONZE, Plymouth, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There is Always Something Hidden

The bell rang signaling the end of school and the boy shuffled out the classroom door getting pushed and shoved by the eager kids trying to hurry home. Jimmy didn’t care for any of that, his ten minute walk home was quick enough, no need to rush to his least favorite part of the day.

The cold, fall wind tore through his light jacket as he made his way down the sidewalk.

“On your left!” a biker exclaimed to warn the boy of the presence behind him. Even though it really wouldn’t have mattered if he ran the teenager over, Jimmy was used to being thrown around. A rag doll, that’s what he is. Kicked, punched, pushed, stepped on you name it. He’s a candy wrapper in the wind, floating aimlessly through life. He’s the lungs of a constant smoker, being filled with everything bad imaginable until one day it can’t take anymore and gives up. He’s a remote control of a couch potato, constantly having its buttons pushed until it breaks.

Any moment now he will open the front door of his house and let the aroma of cigarette smoke and whisky drill into his nostrils and filter through his body.

“So I see you have a C in Physics,” his drunken father would say, or ??%9

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