Quote Writing | Teen Ink

Quote Writing

January 31, 2013
By Anonymous26 BRONZE, Wilsonville, Oregon
Anonymous26 BRONZE, Wilsonville, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The question “who am I?” Often pops in our heads
We often at night trade sleep for a thought in our beds.
We think of the choices we made today.
Were they good? Were they bad? Maybe they were okay.
The way we act, dress, and the words we say are all choices we make each day.
Our choices control our friends, family, and us in every way.
We are who we are; we have been since day one and will be until the last day.
We wake up and start a new day awaiting new choices to be made.
We go our day making an impression hoping our old ones fade.
No one knows what runs through our head while we make the choices we make.
We change every day because of our choices we made yesterday.
Not everyone is perfect we have all heard this before.
But we each are perfect in our own way.
You may say were all the same but we each are unique.
Everyone around us influences us
Helping us make choices even during a fuss.
We watch everyone around us as the clock ticks,
in slow motion speeding up.
We have to face our fears and show our best side.
The choices we make can make things come can go.
We have to be careful for we will never know how our choices will change us.
Our choices can make us fall to the ground, or rise up to be the best.
We all can’t always control what choice we make for we try to what’s right.
We think of the choices we made today.
Were they good? Were they bad? Maybe they were okay.
Because in the end all we have to say is I am who I am today because of the choices I made yesterday.

The author's comments:
The quote inspired me to write this poem. Also our teacher made us do it.

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