Alone | Teen Ink


January 31, 2013
By BaileyNicoleP BRONZE, San Diego, California
BaileyNicoleP BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The 12 o’clock bell. All school kids know what that high screeching sound of this bell means. The hormone filled balls of energy all rush out of the confined classroom as fast as if a kidnaper was charging after them. I glance to my left, then right. I didn’t catch sight of anyone I know.
I ease my way down the stone wall. I freeze for a second right before I hit the ground. I don’t want to touch the ice cold concrete. As I glance at my finger I remember I am still wearing that ring that I have had on for weeks. I knew once that shiny silver band touched the ridged concrete it would become cold instantly. I finally convince myself that I only have one option, and that was to just sit and get over it. As my hand touched the ground first it did exactly what I thought it would accept the coldness shot straight up my arm making me tremble.
I observe a cluster of people stroll past me laughing and talking about the latest gossip. I can recall eavesdropping on the group as they walked past where I was trying to be invisible. They were practically slurring their words trying to get it out so fast. They were gossiping about their dates for Homecoming. Me? Homecoming? No, never. As I sit here against the ice cold concrete I am forced to pull my body closer to keep warm. This strategy is not working. I am still alone. There happens to be people clustered everywhere, but still I am alone.
As I sit here I try and scope out people that might be staring at me, judging me from a distance. I look around. Not one hormone filled ball of energy is looking my way. They are all just standing in the sunlight, talking. Talking about me? I hope not. I wish that I was invisible right now. But still, I know everybody can see me. I have nowhere to hide and nowhere to go.
The sunlight is creeping toward my converse covered foot, although deep inside it feels like a tsunami is rushing towards me. This scares me so I move it away quickly. I cannot be in the daylight. Or maybe I can, maybe I do want to be there, I just don’t know how to get there. I am still alone sitting on this ice cold unforgiving concrete. I just wish that lunch was over. The ice cold wind blows my bangs in my face which tickles my nose. I am still here. Still cold. Still alone. Still sitting on the ice cold and unforgiving concrete. I worry that this will happen to me one day, cold and alone.

The author's comments:
Thoughts that pass through the teenage mind...

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