True Friends | Teen Ink

True Friends

February 7, 2013
By Anonymous

True Friends

“Buzz, buzz, buzz.” The alarm clock was slowly waking Sophia up. She has short auburn hair, her ears pierced since she was in second grade, and she was in eighth grade now. She always meets her best friend, at the bus stop, on the very first day of school.
“Text message, text message,” Sophia’s iPhone was ringing. Her iPhone had a pink, purple, and orange zebra printed case. The message was from Kaitlyn.
“Hi, sorry, I won’t be able to go on the bus today.” Sophia read the text and moved on.
Later at Morris Catholic Middle School, Sophia entered by herself, she slowly dragged her feet to her locker. Next to her, on the right was Kaitlyn’s locker. On her left, Sophia didn’t know who the locker belonged to. As she closed her locker, next to her was a new boy, he was putting his backpack on a hook.
“Hey, do you know where Mr. Montana’s room is?” The boy was staring straight into Sophia's eyes.
“Wow, he looked, smart, and like an athlete.” As she was staring into space, the new kid spoke again. “Excuse me, where’s Mr. Montana's room, again?”
“Oh, sorry, right! Down the hall and turn left.” Sophia answered.

In homeroom Sophia met up with Kaitlyn. Soon she found out the boy she gave directions to, was in her homeroom. Kaitlyn was scanning the room.

“Hey a new kid.” Kaitlyn was poking Sophia. “ Lets go introduce ourselves.” Sophia and Kaitlyn walked up to the boy.
“Hi, I’m Sophia, what's your name?” Sophia was talking.
“Hey, I’m Chris, thanks a lot for helping me find this class.” Chris seemed content in having a conversation.
“Oh, no big deal.” Sophia respond. Kaitlyn was in the corner, not saying anything, or so she thought.
“I can’t believe Sophia keeps talking to him, not letting me say hi.” Kaitlyn was whispering to herself.

As soon as Kaitlyn got out of her day dream, Sophia and Chris were sitting together. Chris was a very tall guy, with short brown hair.

“Hey everyone,” Sophia projected her voice throughout her tiny homeroom. “You are all invited to my back to school bash. Friday at 7pm.”
The rest of homeroom was uneventful, and boring.

“Ring, ring, ring.” The hallways were filling as fast as water filling into a dried pool.
The next day, homeroom was WILD! They were all excited to go to Sophia’s party that night.

“Hey, can I ask you a question?” Chris was pulling Kaitlyn from Sophia.

“Umm, sure.” Kaitlyn finally was talking to the hottest boy at Morris Catholic Middle School.

“Do you think I should ask...” Chris started, but stopped to see if Sophia was around. Kaitlyn was beaming with joy. “Do you think I should ask Sophia out, I really think she is smart and cute.” Kailyn was standing in the corner with the hottest guy in school being asked to give advice to ask HER BEST FRIEND OUT!!! Kaitlyn’s whole world shattered like a house that was all made of glass, that had been through a tornado!

“Um... if you really like her...” Those words just rolled off Kaitlyn’s tongue. “What did I just say, I didn’t want to say that?” She thought.
“Thanks for the great advice!!” Chris walked away.
Finally the end of the day came. “Ring, ring, ring, ring.” The bell rang four times, indicating that it was the fourth and last class of the day. As Math started, Kaitlyn and Sophia were passing notes.

“Hey... do you like Chris?” Kaitlyn passed the note quickly and quietly. Sophia wrote back.

“Yea, why... DO YOU LIKE HIM TOO?” Sophia’s face was turning bright red, her eyebrows were up.

When Kaitlyn got the note back, she lied. “No, I don’t like Chris.” Kaitlyn’s hand was shaking as she was writing the note. She knew she was lying to her best friend. The note was passed back to Sophia.

“Good, because, I think Chris might ask me out at the party.” Sophia repeated the cycle, and passed the note back to Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn read the note, there were too many emotions in Kaitlyn’s head, so she ripped the note up and threw it in the garbage.
At the very end of school, while Chris, Sophia and Kaitlyn were at their locker. After Sophia left, Chris turned to Kaitlyn.
“I’m nervous. The party is in three hours.” Chris was staring at Kaitlyn.
“Don’t be nervous. If I was her, I would be so happy.” Kaitlyn stopped herself. She almost gave away her feelings for Chris.
It was Friday, 6:30, a half hour before the big party.
“Hey I’m early, I know.” Sophia was downstairs putting some snacks around the house. Sophia’s house was the the biggest on her block. It was pearl white with a gold door. You couldn’t miss her house.
The party was on! Sophia was awaiting for her guests to arrive. Kaitlyn got very quiet when Chris came in with all his friends.
Later, after dinner, the party came alive! Kaitlyn was in the corner again, sipping punch.
It was really loud in the house, so Chris took Sophia out to the courtyard.
“Hey Sophia, can I tell you something?” Chris’s palms were sweating. “Ever since we met in homeroom, I thought that you were sweet, but most of all, special.”
Sophia’s hands were in his. She was blushing like a bloomed rose. “Do you want to go out sometime?” Chris was staring into Sophia’s eyes.
“ ...YES!!!” Sophia was so surprised. She got up and hugged her NEW boyfriend. Sophia was the happiest girl in the entire school.
Later, at ten o’clock, Sophia’s party was still going on.
“Hey! guess what... Chris ASKED ME OUT!” Sophia took a breath. "He walked up to me, and said I was sweet and special!”
“I know.” Kaitlyn put her head down, she was not going to lie to her best friend anymore.
“Wait, what?” Sophia walked over to the punch bowl. “He told you before he asked me? Why?” Sophia grabbed her best friend to the corner.
“I don’t know, he wanted advice.” Kaitlyn was getting nervous. “I also have to tell you that I like him.” She seemed ashamed.
“Oh, well thanks for telling me, and as long as you don’t like him now...” Kaitlyn didn’t say anything. “WAIT YOU LIKE HIM? You of all people wouldn’t do that to your best friend!”
Kaitlyn got her things and left the coolest party of the year.
Two weeks later. Sophia and Chris broke up.
“Buzz, buzz.” Kaitlyn checked her phone.
“Hey, I need advice.” Kaitlyn’s text was from Chris.
“No I can’t help you anymore. I don’t want to hurt anyone, anymore.” Kaitlyn respond.
It was early December, Sophia is still angry and hurt. “Buzz. Text message. Kaitlyn my bestie.” Sophia was up in her room trying to forget the whole breakup.
“I bet Kaitlyn and Chris are on a date right now, and I’m in my room eating a carton of chocolate chip ice cream.” Sophia was complaining to herself.
Kaitlyn was at home, not with Chris. She was in her room eating chocolate ice cream too. Chris was stuck in the middle of the fighting. Sophia finally made a decision.
“Buzz. Text message.” Kaitlyn quickly rushed to her phone.
“I’m breaking up with Chris.” Sophia sent a text to Kaitlyn. “I don’t want to, but I if it will make our friendship better, I’m going to break up with him.” The text was sent.
At school, the next day both, Sophia and Kaitlyn avoided Chris. Sophia also avoided Kaitlyn. This whole fight started with a BOYFRIEND! Kaitlyn’s and Sophia’s friendship was about to break. Sophia was home from school, ‘sick’.
After school ended, Kaitlyn went over to Sophia’s house.
“Knock, knock,” the doors of Sophia’s golden door were about to come off the hinges. “I want to talk to you. I want to get this whole boyfriend drama over with.”
“Come in.” Sophia’s voice was a mubble. She opened the door, drying the tears off her porcelain face.
Kaitlyn walked into Sophia’s house, and got out of the frigate weather. The snowflakes were starting to freeze on Kaitlyn’s hair. She explained that if she breaks up with Chris it will help her friendship with Sophia.
“Thanks for doing this, I’m really happy now, and I trust you, Kaitlyn.” Sophia let her FRIEND inside.
A month later, Sophia, Kaitlyn and Chris are friends. They sorted out all their problems.
Christmas Vacation is here!! Sophia woke up on the last Friday of that year. The best Friday before Christmas Vacation was here. Sophia quietly walked down to get some breakfast.
The bus was on time today. On the bus, she sat with Kaitlyn.
“Hey Soph, do you want to have a sleepover today?” Kaitlyn asked the question as Sophia was sitting down.
“Sure, hold on, I need to text my mom.” Sophia pulled out her iPhone and sent a quick text message.
In homeroom, Kaitlyn and Sophia walked in together. They quickly met up with Chris. But Chris was hanging with his basketball gang. Kaitlyn and Sophia approached Chris.
“Hi Chris!” Sophia and Kaitlyn spoke at the same time.
“Oh, hey guys.” Chris turned around. “So are you guys doing anything over Christmas break?”
Kaitlyn and Sophia exchanged looks. “Nope we are free all break.”
“Well maybe we can hang out on New Year’s Eve.” Chris responded. Then everyone scattered to their last class.
There was ten more seconds till Christmas break! 10......5......1!!! Christmas freedom is finally here.
“Ding, dong, ding.” The doorbell of Sophia’s house rang.
At Sophia sleepover, Kaitlyn had a blast! It was twelve at night, and the friends were still up.
“Hey can I talk to you?” Sophia poked Kaitlyn. “I’m really glad you’re my best friend. We have to hang out more often. I’m sorry that we got into a fight over a boy.”
“Aww, that means a lot to me. We will always be best friends!” Kaitlyn continued, “So you know I broke up with Chris right?”
“Omg! I can’t believe you did that!” Sophia responded surprised. “I was just jealous. I didn’t want you really break up with him.”
Kaitlyn explained that she wasn’t that happy when she was going out. Sophia thanked Kaitlyn and their friendship will stronger.
January was finally here. New year, new start. And back to school.
“Good Morning Morris Catholic Crusaders. Here are the morning announcements...” the speaker continued.
Everyone was paying attention, except for Sophia, and Kaitlyn. They were talking about what they did over the break. Sophia and Kaitlyn knew they were going to get in trouble. They could feel Mr. Montana breathing on their necks.
“Girls.” Everyone turned to Sophia and Kaitlyn. Their faces were as red as a tomato.
“After school detention for both of you today.” Mr. Montana was was writing their detention slips.
“Well at least we have detention together.” Sophia whispered to Kaitlyn.
It was the end of the day, and Sophia and Kaitlyn reported to... DETENTION!!! As soon as they walked in, their palms were sweating. The key to survive detention was to sit by the teacher. Sophia was texting, while Kaitlyn was scanning the perimeter of the room.
After detention was over, Sophia and Kaitlyn went out to Sophia’s car.
“Let’s meet up with Chris.” Kaitlyn texted him, while they spoke.
It was February 14th. The biggest day for couples.
“Buzz. It’s Chris.” Kaitlyn answers her phone. “Hello? Hi Chris. After school. Sure.”
At school, Kaitlyn met up with Chris, today was Valentine’s Day!
“Hey guys!” Sophia handed a letter out to everyone. “I decided Valentine Cards are lame, so I wrote out a letter for everyone.
The bell rang and everyone scattered to their classes. In homeroom, Mr. Montana passed out some lollipops for Valentine’s. Sophia finished handing out her valentine letters.
“Here,” Sophia passed Kaitlyn a very special card. “save this to the end of the day.” She gave Kaitlyn a rhinestone studded letter.
Throughout the day, Sophia and Kaitlyn received a valentine cards from every teacher. By lunch, you could tell everyone ate their candy. On Valentine’s day, everyone is hyper.. Sophia, Kaitlyn, and Chris met up at lunch.
By the end of the day, Kaitlyn was anxious to find out what Chris had in store. She met him at his locker. He quickly turned around and gave her a nice red rose and chocolate.
Kaitlyn and Chris got to Sophia’s house. Kaitlyn still had her chocolates and roses still in her hand.
“Hey guys, Happy Valentine’s Day!” Sophia let her friends in. “I am so happy I have best friends like you two.”
The rest of the day Kaitlyn, Chris and Sophia was just hanging out. They were thankful they had each other.

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