A Lesson Learned | Teen Ink

A Lesson Learned

February 7, 2013
By Marquela West BRONZE, Athens, Georgia
Marquela West BRONZE, Athens, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A Lesson Learned

It was a sunny day and Monica wanted to go out to the mall with her friends and her boyfriend, but her grandmother told her she was on punishment for misbehaving at school.“It’s just not fair I’m sixteen I should be able to go out when I want!” Screamed Monica. She tried to storm out of the room, but her grandmother grabbed her before she got across the room. “Young lady who in the world do you think you are talking to? Have you lost your mind talking to me like that. I don’t know what has gotten into you lately so you better change fast because I really don’t like it. So I suggest you change your whole attitude.”
“But, it’s just not fair. You always treat me like I’m a kid, and I’m sixteen.”

So, she decided that she was gonna walk out and go anyway. Her grandmother tried to stop her but she wouldn't stop. “She is so hard head. I don’t know what I’m going to do with her. When she comes back she’s gonna have a surprise,” said her grandmother.
Finally she walks ,and it’s around 12. She goes to her room and finds all her things packed in a bag. “Why are my things packed where are we going ?” Said Monica.
“We are not going anywhere. The question is where are you going?”
“What are you talking about?” Monica asked, looking confused.
“Well if you think you are going to stay here and disobey me and do whatever you want to do and come in whenever you want to then you have got me all the way fooled. So, I packed your things, and you can leave.”
“Okay well I guess since you want me to leave I will.” She started crying now. What am I going to do now. She thought.
“Fine by me. You will see that it is hard out there on the street for teenager. Where are you gonna go?”
“I don’t know just yet. But, somewhere.”
That night she was trying to figure out where she was going to sleep, and what she was going to eat.She called a lot of her friends and they made excuses not for her to let her spend the night there. So she called her boyfriend and asked if she could spend the night with him he said yes. He came and picked her up and took her to his house. He let her sleep in his bed and he made a pallet on the floor. So she told him that tomorrow she was going to see if she could go back home.
The next day Monica came back to the house to ask if she could stay for good. “Grandma! Grandma!” She said crying. She was skeptical on coming back because she didn't know if she would be let back in.
“Yes, Darling?”
“Can I come back home please? I’m sorry I disobeyed you. It won’t happen again I promise. I messed up, and I promise I will do better here and at school. I’ll even get a job and keep it.”
“ Okay baby. Okay. You can come back home. Just promise me you will listen to me from now on.”
A few weeks later, everything was going good. Monica got a job and started helping her grandmother buy things for the house. “I guess what I did scared her and got her back on track.

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