fire with fire | Teen Ink

fire with fire

February 8, 2013
By RockMe1688 BRONZE, Apple Valley, California
RockMe1688 BRONZE, Apple Valley, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

HI reader I'm about fifteen you'll see it all started when I started at a new school I tried to be nice to the other kids but it was hard they were all stuck up snobs who acted like they were better than everyone else like they were so special. They kept telling everyone lies about me so I decided that I would get back at them by starting a few lies about them their was a girl named Lizzie and she was basically their leader so I told everyone at school that she picks her nose at first they all thought I was lying which I was but then one day she did at lunch in front of all of them at first no one was looking until i got on a table and pointed at her and said nose picker and everyone started laughing and one kid fell out of his seat because her laughed so hard another kid shot milk out of his nose which even I thought it was funny because it was. The next day it was time for her partner in crime SAM he was mean and he thought he could beat up everyone the only problem was he couldn't being that he weighed less than a hundred pounds and couldn't even run the mile like everyone else in the class could so I decided that he was a bed wetter and it made sense too because we had a class camping trip coming up and I knew how to get back at him I waited till he fell asleep and put his hand in warm water when he woke up everyone else was already awake so when he came out of the tent they saw what had happened they he wet himself and even the teacher laughed a little bit before some students looked at her and she stopped but who could blame her for years this kid had terrorized other kids now he wet himself in front of everyone it was too funny. Now it was time for the last member of the crew Simon the biggest and meanest of them all he would push people out of the way for no reason at all he was even mean to the teachers he was a huge bully so I waited for him to fall asleep during study hall like he always did this time he was asleep on his math book so I took super glue and glued his eyebrows to his book and waited when the teacher came by and saw him sleeping he blew a horn by his head to wake him up and of course Simon jumped up and lost his eyebrows then he held up a math book and his eyebrows were attached everyone laughed so hard about three students fell out of their desk one of them was me. In the end I got in trouble and realized that by stopping the bullys I became one and it wasn't worth it but they never were mean to anyone ever again so we both learned a lesson that by fighting fire with fire your only gonna get burned and that is not the right thing to do no matter how many things someone has done wrong or how funny it is.

The author's comments:
this is a story about a kid who has problems at school and tries to take matters in his own hands

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