The Stranger | Teen Ink

The Stranger

February 8, 2013
By trevortaylor BRONZE, Pittsfield, Massachusetts
trevortaylor BRONZE, Pittsfield, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Live as if you were to live forever, learn as if you were to die tomorrow." -Ghandi

With every tread taken,I steadily wandered farther and farther from my dwelling I can no longer call my home and into the cold, wet street. The gloomy, lifeless clouds blanketed the skies leaving them in tears. It was as if God's sadness was seen by all. The cold air crept into my jacket reaching my chest like an ant creeping up my leg in the summer. The mist in the harsh wind seemed to continuously spit in my face, though I didn't notice it really. Hatred, it was in every inhale I took in and the fog that was exhaled was the pleasant moments I had with my mother that I can no longer distinctly recall. It was useless to withhold the only fond memories of us and depend on them to restrain me from understanding the fact that I can no longer recognize this persecuting, vile woman as anything relevant to a mother. In every dose of air, I realized that. The woman that strolled me down this very street in the early mornings, or the one that made me smile even in the most anguished events, that was my mother. This woman is not my mother. She was a mere residence, no, stranger who shared the same dwelling as I. I could detect the hostility instilled in her bitter voice and even in her pale brown eyes whenever we cross each other's paths. For a long time, I faithfully and wholeheartedly believed the her hatred of me was my fault. Though, I am older now and much smarter. I am aware of the ominous world that unexpectedly stepped before me a long time ago. Now, I realize, this was not my mother, but someone or maybe even something else. Though, isn't too late to save her from her own atrocious demons that rest inside of her. The Sun climbed over the distant horizon and peered through the mountains. This showed that there was still a chance.

The author's comments:
It shows how many teens tend to feel increasingly distant to their family as the grow. They feel as if they are "strangers" to them. They seem not to know who they are anymore. In the end, this situation is definite and all that they can really do is try to solve the situation.

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