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February 11, 2013
By epicwatermelon13 BRONZE, Kirkwood, Missouri
epicwatermelon13 BRONZE, Kirkwood, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments


My mom, Maricela, was 16 when she had me. Now she is 27. I have no idea who my dad is. Whenever I ask about him mom always says she will tell me one day,, but when? I asked where he was when I was three, and there was no answer, so I just gave up until I got older.. I am 13 and I have a little sister who is was born a 3 years after I was her name is Nicole and has the same father as I did.

Mom married a new guy named Pobleo mom is going to have another baby its due in one month. I like Pobleo he is really funny and nice he is one year older then my mom. We live in New Mexico a small town name Lareto its on the border so there is a ot of violence my best friend Mya got shot in her arm from one of the stupid teenagers who smoke, sniff stuff and get teenagers killed. Pobleo my step father met my mom at the small church his family moved here two years ago.

Pobleo is a farmer and knows a lot about animals. He takes me hunting in the late after noons . Nicole and I have the same room but its really big we have a bunk bed and a T.V.,my laptop for school and a computer for my sister and I to share. We have a pool in the back yard and we each have are own horses. Pobelo has lots of sheep,cows,chicke ,horses,pigs,and a lot of frogs and turtles that live in the pond in are front yard.

Our house is in the border of mexico so we have a lot of neighbors. The population is: 1,689 people in are town! We only have two grade schools which are big and three middle schools and two huge high schools and no colleges. The best part is my best friend Mya lives down the street . My Nana and Pa live in Texas and the rest of the family lives in the same town as me.
I love to go to the creek and swim with my Mya. My other friend moved here last summer her name is Chia she is from China and her family owns a restaurant that has chinese food that tastes really good. We go to the temple on sundays cause we are Buddhists. My school is called Rontini middle school. I am in eight grade the top of the food chain. Next year I will be in high school I will be fresh meat. My teachers name is Mrs.Mendel she is 25 years old.

She came to are town last year in the winter because she just got out of college in Miami,Florida and wanted to start a family she got married to Rick two months ago. My mom said that my brothers name is going to be Porteo because its close to Pobleo. If I could pick my brothers name I would name him Riecko. Mom said after I go to school we get to go pick out some new fish for the pond.

I like fish but i think we should get more frogs. When we came home my sister Nicole asked me if I could teach her how to read a book cause she cant go to school till she is four because mom and Pobleo can’t afford it so now every afternoon I teach her how to read,write and learn a little math. She is really doing good I told her not to tell Mom because I want it to be a surprise for her birthday. I wish I had a sister to teach me how to read,write,and know math.

Its late at night and I am still up I can here my mom and Porteo talking about something. Today is friday I do not really want to got to school because I always get bullied by everyone. There is a sign on the wall at school that says bullying stops here and it never stops anything.

After school today my mom said we were going to have a garden. I asked why and she said that when she was 16 she planted some kind of plant that made her feel like she wanted to have me and she did not feel bad cause she was gonna give birth to me and she actually wanted me to live. I planted watermelons and sunflowers. Nicole planted green beans and yellow,red,orange peppers. Then me and my sister went inside. I have to say gardening gives you a chance to get away from your thoughts and relax. I am so happy my mom is here today and I just wanna say how lucky I am to have a amazing mom.

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