When the Music's Gone | Teen Ink

When the Music's Gone

February 16, 2013
By Creativum_Mens BRONZE, Bellville, Texas
Creativum_Mens BRONZE, Bellville, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There are years that ask questions and years that answer." -Zora Neale Hurston

Melody touched the ivory lightly with her fingertips, making sure not to create a resonance of any kind. She hated the sound of it. Actually, she hated the sound of any instrument or voice. The vibrations shook her every bone while the hum of the implements tugged at her heart. It has been over 5 years since she has heard a single tune; 5 years since a single crescendo has been perceived; 5 years since the incident happened.

It isn’t pure irony that her name doesn’t match her attitude toward music. In fact, she didn’t used to have that mind-set because she herself was the one that created it alongside one of the best concert pianists the world had to offer. The keyword being ‘had’. Though, to Melody he wasn’t the world’s finest, but instead a father. He taught her everything she knew about music and more. His passion was also hers. Melody shared a special bond with her father, David, which nothing could break. That is until they received the news that he was diagnosed with leukemia.

Melody cried for days on end even though her father told her he would be alright. David continued playing concerts and teaching his daughter everything he could. After the first year passed since being diagnosed, Melody started gaining hope and confidence that he was going to be alright. One time out of the blue, he allowed Melody to accompany him in one of his concerts. She was so anxiously excited that she nearly forgot the song completely, but once she began it was like her nerves escape from her mind and her heart took over. Every time she played music, she would put her whole soul into it just like her father.

David soon added Melody to his regular act just to show to the world how amazing and brilliant his daughter was. He was humble and never bragged, but when he did it was in a subtle way that only if you truly understood, then you'd know. Soon the concerts started picking up and they were having one every week, but that's when tragedy struck.

The two were performing a duet together, her on her own piano and him on his which was situated across the stage, when it suddenly became a solo. The thing was, the composer didn't write a solo into the piece. Melody stopped playing as she heard the gasps from the audience. When she looked over at her dad, he was slumped over the keys of the piano; the life gone from his eyes. She burst into tears as she ran toward him in a dramatic display of hopelessness and heartache. It was all she could do not to break everything out of the frustration of what had just happened.

It wasn’t until a few days later, that the doctor told her that her dad had not only leukemia, but a rare case that gave him a very little chance of survival. Even to this day, Melody won’t listen to a single note until the day when she can play alongside her father again with an audience of angels listening and a heavenly figure applauding at the display in the background. A day when she can be held in her father’s arms. A day when she’s a daughter once more.

The author's comments:
This is just a short story I wrote for a contest, but sadly withdrew from, but I still wanted to share it. Thanks for reading!:)

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