The Tiffany Heist | Teen Ink

The Tiffany Heist

February 17, 2013
By speakthetruth79 BRONZE, Banta, California
speakthetruth79 BRONZE, Banta, California
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

I know it is hard to believe but every old woman was once a young girl, so do not dismiss my tale. I was beautiful, smart, and… determined. Maybe that was where the trouble began. It was 1962 and Kennedy was in office. I was working as a Tiffany’s girl in New York at the time but I dreamed of more. I was tried of waiting on fat middle-aged women with rich husbands that looked down their nose at me. I was an attractive window dressing paid to flatter them. I knew I could be much more and my talents were being wasted.

You must understand I never met for any of it to happen. It all started at Bon Soir a bar in green village. That is where I met Roy; the name still makes me redden with shame at my stupidity. Never trust a man that is a little too alluring; and Roy, well Roy he could charm your socks off and a few others things to if you let him. It started out so innocently until I mentioned were I worked, a mistake. I was a little drunk and he was handsome, he listened and no one had ever done that before. Maybe that is why it took me so long to wise up and see him for what he was, a snake. An understanding that was long in coming for I was young and foolish.

He hatched a plan and I was a willing accomplice, at first. No one was supposed to get hurt. It was late, I was locking up for the night or I should have been. I let Roy in though the back door and all was going well, until Kathy came back for her purse. I didn’t know he had a gun; she surprised us no one was supposed to get hurt. A big company like Tiffany wouldn’t have even missed the money and would be insured. It wasn’t right I knew that but I was too late in my realizing, I was trapped in Roy’s scheme. There was so much blood; she had no pulse, I checked.

I tried to call the police but Roy grabbed my arm and dragged me into his car. He said we where going to the airport. I was crying he told me to shut up but I couldn’t stop. He hit me it the hard in the face, the rest of the trip was silent. I walked out of that airport and into the Caribbean sun and never saw Roy again. He was arrested years later on a robbery charge which it justice I suppose… and that my sweet granddaughter that is why your name is Kathy.

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