The family | Teen Ink

The family

February 23, 2013
By Anonymous

The family

One beautiful Friday, a girl names Diana was convinced to go to a church program in the night. The program was meant for teenagers. Diana was too shy to present herself to the whole team of teenagers. She learned more about god. Also deeply inside when she sang a song it made her realize many things about life. She was nervous at first, but later she got a hang of it. All the teenagers invited her to present herself and play games along. Diana followed and watches how everyone played around. She thing sang that beautiful song that changer her world. Until she got home problems with her family made her realize that all the effort she did wasn’t worth nothing. She cried her guts out because no one understands her; she just wanted her family to understand what she wanted. To conclude, Diana’s day was ruin because of her family at home.

The author's comments:
Her day was ruin by problems.

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