The Man in the Tree | Teen Ink

The Man in the Tree

February 26, 2013
By guitarmniac BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
guitarmniac BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I watched from above, I saw the heart of my loved one shatter into a million pieces. Today was the three year anniversary of our relationship. We had planned to go find some private land, enjoy a picnic together, and spend the night watching the stars above. I looked below and watched as tears flooded her eyes, her face turned bright red, and she desperately gasped for air whenever she could fit it in between her crying and screaming.
Her fists clenched tightly together, franticly punching the soft earth. Skipping between fits of absolute rage and absolute desperation she picked up the picnic basket and hurled it towards the tree where I was observing her. The contents of the basket went flying through the air. I looked and saw a ham and cheese sandwich wrapped in a plastic bag with my name around it and after it came a big heart written in dark black sharpie, a large Arizona sweet tea can, and a bag of Sour Patch Kids… my favorites.
She grabbed the picnic blanket and pulled against its seams, tearing it in half. Her eyes flooded once again with more tears and she collapsed to the floor, falling on her knees, screaming, “Why God?” Her voice cracked and emotion filled her lungs. Her hands cupped her face, collecting her tears, only to let gravity drop them into the rocky soil. A cool gust of air passed her and chilled the tears on her face making her shiver.
She stood up and walked towards the tree I was in. She hit the bark with her hands, tearing at her tender soft skin. Blood began to seep its way through the cuts in her hands, slowly dripping to the ground, tarnishing the green grass with its dark red, creating an earthy brown. She cried and begged the Lord to not let this be true… but it was. She collapsed once more. With this my heart broke and tears flowed directly from my eyes to my face, rapidly sliding down my cheeks. If only she knew that I could see her from Heaven.

The author's comments:
During my Creative Writing class my teacher put an image up on the smart board. It was a picture of a tree where you could only see its leaves hanging down and an arm reaching out between them. In front of the leaves there was a women on the ground. I love this story because it captures an immense amount of emotion and also has an unsuspected ending that gives the reader chills.

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