Discover To Find | Teen Ink

Discover To Find

February 27, 2013
By bakisback3 BRONZE, Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota
bakisback3 BRONZE, Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Discover To Find

One year, twenty eight days, nine minutes, and thirty two seconds. That’s how long ago my parents died in a car crash. I can still remember my mom the day she left with my dad to a work party. She wrapped me in her purple knitted sweater saying her goodbye. Her smooth brown hair tickled my nose. She whispered she loved me softly in my ear as she snatched her black, baggy purse from the rigid hall closet. She hurried out the door to catch up to my dad. My mom didn’t deserve to die. I never cared about my dad, frankly he never cared about me either. All he cared about is getting drunk. If only my mom was the one driving. She would always tell me how she loved our matching blue eyes. One time she even asked me why I stole her eyes, and we just laughed for hours. I always wanted a twin sister, and my mom would always tell people that we were twins to make me feel better. We look exactly alike after all. I’m different from her in some ways though. I have a sixthh sense that makes me remember things normal people wouldn’t remember. It also makes me see spirits and ghosts. My mom told me that the reason I can see spirits is because I’m unique. Now I know she was wrong. She didn’t have a sixthh sense but I wanted to be like her and I do have a sixthh sense.

I’ve been trying to find my moms ghost, but she isn’t showing up. Doesn’t she want to see me? I search for her day, and night, even in my dreams. But I see no one. I see nothing. I love my mommy. She’s all I had. I need to find her. I’m going to find her. Maybe if I can find a ghost that will be able to help me, I will be able to find her. Then I could talk, and see her like old times.

I found a key. I was looking though my mom’s old clothes in her abandoned room. I found it in one of my mom’s pair of jeans, her favorite pair. It’s small, rusty and cold. I don’t really like it. I want to show her it. She’s not here though. The key is for something. It has to be. Great, I thought. Just when I’m trying to figure this out I can tell a presence is coming. I don’t want to be bothered.

“ Your fine hun!” A ghost said in a cheerful tone.

“ Why are you here?” I said reluctantly.

“ Someone will be coming here soon to talk to you, I just wanted to let you know hopefully they can help you,” the spirit said leaving. “ Don’t loose that key child,” she said leaving behind a cool chill.

Who cares about the key, what can it do? I thought to myself. Cold air crawled through the empty room. It smelled old like spilled, rotten, mustard. My nose rolled itself as the smells ran through it. This is my mom’s old bedroom. This is the room that watched her sleep every night.

My eyes began to flutter. “ I need sleep,” I stuttered to myself. I layed down on her bed wondering if she could see me. The pillow is soft, and puffy. I don’t like it. It reminds me of my mom. It doesn’t make it any better when it still smells like my mom. It pinches a smell of Japanese wood flower, the perfume she used to wear. I’m going to act just like my mom how she slept. Gosh, my tag on my sweat pants was scratching up my back. I suddenly remembered the key in my pocket. Gross…. I thought. I shoved the key under the puffed pillow in disgust.

I layed feeling alone, like always. Just as I expected I quickly fell into a black hole. My sleep button had been activated. STOP, STOP, STOP! I shouted as I woke up screaming, choking. My eyes were blurry, everything was a blur. Why can’t I see? Am I going blind? If I were to see myself right now I would look like a worm with rabies spazzing on a bed.

“ Calm now,” a manly voice whispers softly in my ear.

“ Please help me,” I whimpered .

“ I may not help you if you can help yourself dear,” the mysterious ghost replies.

“ Who are you? Stop making me blind!” I shouted getting angry.

“ I’m here to help you, no worries,” replied the ghost.

“ Answer my question!” I screamed with plea.

“ I’m not making you blind you will be able to see when you wake up, like I said don’t worry yourself relax.” The ghost said moving around me.

“ I am awake!” I told the ghost testing me.

“ No child your asleep still in your mommy’s old bed,” the ghost said.

“ Why are you here?” “ Show yourself!” I said settling down.

“ You will see your mom right after I leave,” He said. “ She will tell you what that key is for, It’s her key after all,” I could tell he had a smirk on his face when he said that. I only had two words to say to him after he finished.

“ Thank you.”

“ Your welcome Analese,” the ghost said with a sigh.

I can tell he’s leaving and when he was gone my sight popped back at me. I shouted mom loudly expecting her to be here. Instead of usually feeling cold overwhelm me when a ghost comes, I felt a flow of warmness. Something started to stroke and play with my hair. They leaned me into their chest. My big blue eyes started to let the drops fall. There was only one person who could twirl my curls around their slim finger like that.

“ I love you,” my mom says smoothly.

“ I love you too,” I said crying.

“ Hush, hush Analese, you need to calm yourself,” my mommy said. “ I was, and always will be there for you,” She said.

“ Do you know the ghost that came here before you mom?” I said wondering about them.

“ I know the lady named Kari,” she said slowly thinking about it. “ The last person wasn’t a ghost,” she said knowing who it was.

“ The one that came in my dream and blinded me, he wasn’t a ghost?” I said suddenly confused.

“ He was not a ghost,” she paused. “ But god.”

“ That was god,” I said astonished.

“ Yes I told you, you were unique.” She said smiling. I missed her smile I’m glad I could she her beautiful face again. “ The key sweet heart is important you have to listen closely now,” she said seriously.

“ I always listen to you,” I said.

“ Ok well you have to get the ladder and hammer out of the garage, but be careful. Then you have to go into dad’s old alcohol room and get on the top step of the ladder and make a hole in the center of the ceiling. In there will be an old diary. It used to be mine. She continued. I wrote something in it awhile ago that I was afraid to show you. Do you understand?” She finished.

“ Yes anything for you mom,” I said ready for the task. I started heading towards the garage. The key was still safe in my pocket eager for the diary. I turned quickly to glance at my moms face before I left. She didn’t seem happy anymore. Is she worried? I will show her that I can do it. She can trust me.

I approached the garage door remembering nothing had been touched in over a year. I opened it from inside the house. The door knob was even rusted. It was dark in there. I saw darkness, my only friend. Nothing can stop me, I thought to myself. I started to walk across the dark garage. I shouldn’t have gone bare footed, I can feel dead bugs, and dust rumbling through my toes. That’s when I suddenly tripped on something huge. Something in the way.

I passed out for three minutes, on the dot. How do I know that? My sixthh sense. You’ll never believed what I saw in those slow three minutes. I saw my future. In those minutes, I was the only person in the world with a seventh sense. Do you know what I saw in my future? My death. It was right after I got done reading the diary. There was someone in the alcohol room. Guarding the diary, I think? Who though? Should I die or should I live? If I die, I can be with my mom forever. If I don’t go get the diary, I will live.

I layed still on the cold cement floor. I was for the first time in my life, happy. My mom was there, I saw my mom. But if I didn’t die my mom would probably go away and my happiness would dissolve. She trusted me to go get that diary for her and read it for her. All of a sudden, it just clicked. I knew who the person was in the alcohol room. Who was ready to kill me. It was my dead dad. My feelings of not caring for him, burned to hate. I’m going to wait here until I figure out how I’m going to get passed him. I’m not going to let my happiness run out of my hand this time. I’m going to hold it until my hand melts.

I gently stepped off the cement with my plan in mind. I found the ladder and hammer from the corner of the garage and walked back through the door into the house. I followed my mom’s instructions and walked into the alcohol room in the back of the kitchen. I took the ladder to the center of the room and crawled onto the top step. I held the hammer under my arm as I snatched it up to start making a hole. It was just big enough to slip the diary out. I reached my hand into the ceiling and frantically it searched. I felt it. A flat square I could feel it. I pulled it out. I slipped the key out of my sweat pants and put it into the lock. The diary pink, and dirty opened.

On the very first page it read:
Analese my darling, you are a splitting image of an angel. You shall be the most wonderful angel that will walk in heaven. Don’t be afraid, I’m always here for you. I love you my blue eyed girl. You better return my eyes.
That was the end of it. I looked around scared. I was too late. That was the end of me too. My mom spoke the truth. I am unique, even god thinks so. Also I am a pretty good angel. But not as great as my mom.

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