Forever Alone | Teen Ink

Forever Alone

February 27, 2013
By lollipopz101 BRONZE, Ventura, California
lollipopz101 BRONZE, Ventura, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
you could either take the the chance or spend the rest of your life wondering what if...

Forever Alone
As I paced through the forest, my feet rarely touched the ground; I was more flying than running .The forest I once knew as friendly was now a nightmare I couldn’t escape; I felt as if every tree held a memory that I would always have, ones of my father. Every step I took got me farther and farther to bare feet sank into the moss as I lost energy. Finally I became exhausted; I lay down on the damp forest floor. My forehead was drowning me in sweat. The muscles in my calves screamed for more relief. My mind couldn’t escape the images, all those people… dead. They finally came. They had searched the entire village for just one person and killed all that stood in their way.
Fifteen years ago the king of England had found out the truth about his wife. Rosalinda; queen of England, was having an affair with a boy of court. Soon the queen was pregnant. Questions arose, the king became suspicious. After the baby was born, it was claimed air to the throne. A child of no relation to the king. As the baby grew he found no visible similarities. When he was 9 months old, the king had decided to question the queen. After days of torture, he finally got the name of the boy, Alex. The king decided to do everything in his power to kill Alex. Another boy of court had heard and warned Alex of the king’s plans. Alex fled to the hills, never to return. Unluckily Alex settled in our small, humble town. He married incredibly quickly. His wife had 1 child. I was that child. I suppose he thought a family would lighten his sentence.

Now the knights had found my father. The worst part of all was that it’s my fourteenth birthday. We were supposed to go to town to have the same “surprise” birthday I have every year. I was practically dreading it, but now I wished so strongly I could have one more. It was never much; it was a simple one layer cake, a few people and a single present. The present was usually an array of four cloth rolls to make myself new clothes for a year.
But as I arrived at the party, no one was there I had searched the entire room. I had thought he was late or still picking out my cloth. I decided to go home and come back in an hour. I paced home anticipating my brief knitting session. I swung open the door and retreated to my bedroom to grab my string. I checked to see if my father was in his room, possibly asleep. I opened the door and there he lay in a puddle of blood. That’s when I truly began to realize what all they had done. The town was in jitters. The looked at me in fear and shuttered as I passed them. My best friend mother looked at me with a final seeming glance. I stopped to ask what the matter was, but all she could manage to shudder was that I needed to leave, now.
As I lay in the forest mourning the death of my father, I realized that the knights would most likely be after me too. After all, I was the only living family member, since my mother died when I was 5, she died swiftly. She had picked up the plague at a market in town. We all though the disease was out of England yet she managed to get it. I was never allowed to say goodbye, I was always mad about that and thought it was because she didn’t want to see me. I didn’t fully understand till I was nine by then I realized it was only in my better interest.
As I thought; my thoughts turned to pure fear. Forever hiding. Forever alone.

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