Mr.Pen | Teen Ink


March 6, 2013
By Myers32 BRONZE, St.peters, Missouri
Myers32 BRONZE, St.peters, Missouri
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You use me throughout the day, almost every day, rather I’m in your pocket, bag, or binder, and when I’m not in use I’m patently waiting until you can use me again. I know we can have are fights, when I jam up on you and u get frustrated and through me across the room and don’t bother until the next day to find me, but that’s just an example of that when you use me we can come up with the best ideas or the worst. Even though you can’t erase me you still use me, I know the times we spend together aren’t always perfect but there permanent.

I remember when we first met each other at the store, and I know you had a lot of choices to choose from for your companion. You could have had someone who was bulgy, thin, sparkly, or like me plain, but the fact that you picked me means a lot. And even though I may run out of ink and may no longer become any use to you, at least the times that we have spent together we can’t erase.
I am a pen and I am proud to be called yours.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 11 2013 at 1:08 am
TheSkyOwesMeRain GOLD, Irvine, California
13 articles 1 photo 299 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life isn&#039;t measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments which take your breath away.<br /> <br /> You are only as strong as your weakest link.

I love it! :)