Heroes | Teen Ink


March 7, 2013
By Anonymous


“Dismissed!” heard Colonel Charles Thompson, as his battalion was dismissed from the stage. You see, Charles is a United States marine, and he has just returned from his fourth tour in the war. He was awarded a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star with valor, which is his reason for being on the stage. Why don’t I tell you the whole story?

Colonel Thompson and his squad had received an order to patrol the outskirts of the base he was station on in Iraq. His team geared up, and was transported by helicopter to their rally point, or the place where they meet after the patrol, for all you civies out there. About an hour and a half into the patrol, Thompson and his squad were ambushed by a squad of Insurgents. The marines were engaged in a brutal firefight for over half an hour, before panic struck. “Grenade!” yelled Thompson’s friend PFC Bryan Sanchez, and then, Boom.

Sanchez had been about fifteen feet from the initial explosion. “Cover me!” screamed Colonel Thompson, as he ran to save his friend. There was blood covering Sanchez’s body armor and kit, and Thompson dragged him behind the corner of a small building in the woods. He called for the Medic, and returned to the fight to stop the Taliban from overtaking their position. After a few more minutes, another cry for help came from Lieutenant Kyle Walowski, and of course, Thompson ran to help. Walowski had been shot in the leg by a Taliban version of the AK-47 assault rifle, and Thompson was hit while trying to get him to cover.

Colonel Thompson lost no man out of his squad that day. They defeated the enemy, returned to the rally point and got to base safely. Colonel Charles Thompson saved the lives of two of his team, earning him a Bronze Star with valor, and he was wounded in the fight, earning him a Purple Heart. Colonel Thompson is currently regarded as a hero among the United States Marine Corps, and has received high honors for his courageous actions. “Why have you told us this story?” you might ask.


Because not all heroes wear capes.

The author's comments:
This story is about a soldier who risked his life to save others.

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