The Black Ride | Teen Ink

The Black Ride

March 8, 2013
By Matt_Absher BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
Matt_Absher BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As my friend Will and I entered the terminal, yellow warning signs littered the floor. We were heading to Miami, Florida, but as soon as we entered the plane, we noticed that there were only a few people on the plane. As we put our bag in the storage area, we were interrupted by a woman with black hair and dark piercing eyes. The woman was the flight attendant, but she had a crackly voice, and had the smell of musty animals. She asks use for a cold beverage and a snack that looks like a piece of dark bread with black pebbles in it. “No thank you” we said, but she kept insisting that we had some. So we gave in and had a cold beverage and a piece of bread.

We were in our seats waiting to take off as Captain Eddy came over the intercom and introduced himself and said not to get out of our seats because it was going to be a rough ride. so we were about to take off Will and I looked around to find the seat belts but we noticed that the plane didn’t have seat belts. We looked at each other in shock. We turned around to see if there were any new faces on the plane, but we didn’t notice any. We started to worry because we thought that Miami would be popular in the summer.

The engines started to roar and the plane started to shake. The plane bursted into the air, so we clenched the arm rest. We were on our way to Miami, Florida.

It’s been two hours since we took off. As I woke up I glanced over my shoulder. The flight attendant was helping someone, but I noticed that there were people missing. Nerves chills crawled down my spine. I shook will to wake him up, he jump up in a frantic and said “what what!”. I told him about the people were missing people. Will Peered over to get the attention of the flight attendant, but she would acknowledge us, so we just turned around.

We were about half way to Miami when the plane started to shake. I looked out the window, and the engine was on fir. Captain Eddy come onto the intercom “ladies and gentlemen please stay calm and stay in your seats, we are going to crash land”. Everyone started to scream. The plane started to descend. We landed in a field in a small town called Cold grove.

Nobody on the plane survived. A few weeks after the crash our funeral was held on March 7, 2009 in Kings Mountain NC. Crows blackened the sky that day. The only people that showed up were our family, and the flight attendant was on the top of the hill watching as if it was a parade.

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