No One Understands | Teen Ink

No One Understands

March 24, 2013
By Lizzy44 BRONZE, Lisbon, Iowa
Lizzy44 BRONZE, Lisbon, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
As I grow to understand life less and less,<br /> I learn to love it more and more.<br /> -Jules Renard

“They told me I should come here, but I didn’t agree, so they forced me.” I looked at my hands the whole time.

“And, they wanted you to come here because,” She looked at me, almost as a friend, but in her eyes, you could see that she was judging me.

“They think I’m depressed. My family just doesn’t understand. They don’t see that I am stressed. They treat me like a two year old and expect me to be happy with them. I used to put on a fake smile every day so they wouldn’t catch on but I just got tired.” I took a deep breath. That was the most I have ever shared with anyone.

“So you don’t think they understand you?” She tried to find out more.

“No, I don’t.” I motioned my head.

“Have you ever tried talking to them? Couldn’t you talk to friends? Don’t you have anyone you trust?” She started getting to the harder questions, the ones that made you feel like the bad guy, that made your heart ache.

“To start, my parents are so closed off with me that it seems like they don’t want to talk. As for friends, I hear them everyday talking about other girls that have trusted them and I don’t know what they would do with this mess I call my life. And, no, I do not have anyone I would trust with my secrets. I just struggle.”

“So you were forced to come to me because your parents think your depressed.”

“I think I am, too. I just didn’t want help dealing with it. Everyday I face problems. It just feels like so many people depend on me. Like the weight of the world is on my shoulders. I need a break away from everything.”

“Well that can’t happen. I’m sorry you feel this way.”

“You are paid to say that. You see, no one understands how many secrets eat up at my soul everyday. No one just says ‘I don’t care what your secret is, and you don’t have to tell me, but I am here when you need me’. People always want to find something for them.

“I agree, but that doesn’t mean the people that want to know can’t help.”

“Yes it does. They would judge me for the truth and telling them a lie wouldn’t help me deal with my problems.”

“Well if you feel that way, there is nothing I can do for you on a short term basis.”

“So what are you telling me?”

“You will have to tell someone your secrets before you can get better. Until you tell people, you will be stuck with what you have. There is no telling when you will be able to do this, you have to decide.”

The author's comments:
This piece is about a girl who finds herself depressed, talking to a psychiatrist. She struggles with trust issues. It is inspired by my life.

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