Journey to Freedom | Teen Ink

Journey to Freedom

March 29, 2013
By Anonymous

October 2032-- Complete and total warfare consumes the entirety of Earth. The demand for complete social liberty acts as a catalyst and splits the population into two factions--reactionary conservatives versus radical liberals. In the final moments of destruction and despair only two nations continue to exist--Conservatopia and Liberalis--each serving as a haven for the ideologists.

January 1, 2052-- Dear Diary… I miss the atmosphere that was once so apparent in the days of the United States. I was but a child of six, yet, I can still recall the plateful of activities that dominated each of my days. Sitting, now, isolated in a bare, white room…oh how it rankles me! I hate it here in Conservatopia! Each hour of every waking moment is spent within these four walls. According to the founding fathers, every female citizen of this land must cover up from head to toe in linen cloth and she must avoid all contact with the opposite gender--unless commanded by the head of the household. She is neither allowed to read nor write (I refuse to obey…sadly my handwriting is very much like chicken scratch). These restrictions protect me from danger, sickness, and (supposedly) heartbreak. What a bunch of rubbish! If only I had the backbone to escape from this imprisonment. I desire, very much, the freedom that Liberalis condones. To escape, however, would put my life at risk. To even think these thoughts are treasonous, but to act on them would mean a death sentence. Yet, the life I lead right now is incongruous with my own beliefs…

February 18, 2052-- Dear Diary…after a month and a half of planning and action I have arrived in Liberalis! In a stroke of serendipity I was able to avoid all guards patrolling the border. Oh! How free everyone is here! Females are able to wear shirts as tight as skin, skirts barely covering their legs. I feel that I have now experienced true freedom. I can do all I want and interact with whomever I want. Recently I have met a very nice young doctor--something that would have been prohibited in the land that shall not be named.

September 28, 2053-- After a year of life in Liberalis our protagonist meets with a tragic fate. Freely walking on the street of freedom she comes under attack by a strange group of men. Like a benign rabbit, she becomes their quarry. As her possessions are taken off of her one by one, rain falls in a torrent as if the sky was weeping. As the knife plunges deep into her heart, a lone thunderbolt pierces the star of Aphrodite. In her last moments, with time seeming to stagnate, she realizes that Conservatopia represented “freedom from” and Liberalis “freedom to.” Each nation ruled with what they believed was the true meaning of freedom. But to her, having experienced both, she wondered what true freedom meant. Perhaps in death comes the answer.

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