The "Real" Story | Teen Ink

The "Real" Story

April 9, 2013
By MickieBall BRONZE, Brookston, Minnesota
MickieBall BRONZE, Brookston, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Love yourself then love others

One day on a rainy day around August. There was a girl The at was getting ready for school. It was her first time going to middle school. She wanted to be different person from 6The grade. She wanted nice friends not mean and bully friends from last year. She wanted to show her real self, The nice and fun side. She wasn't like her 6Th grade friends. She had a heart, The at was strong and concerned about others around her. She was also very smart at math and writing but she always had Hard time spelling . She never got mad at herself about spelling. She just tried her best at everything(school,sports and friends). She Thought about what she wanted to do in 7The grade. She didn't want to be a mean person but a caring person to everyone.

The first day of 7The grade,she was in all Thee same classes as her friend.(The at's he wanted to not be friends with any more). She didn't want to show The at she was not going to be her friend, so she just acted Thee same as last year. She also know The at bad Things happen when you get her bad side. She seen it done on other people. It wasn't very good. It was physical and getting like a stab in The back. She just wanted to be cool.

After about two months, That friend That she just wanted to stay cool with,stole money from her. She also lied about it. She could tell because she has seen her lie a million times to others. That was when she broke The friendship. She started to hang with a better person. her name was Sabrina,Sabrina was smart,nice and she was good at all kind of sports,too. They hanged out a lot and became best friends.

The old friend got mad at The two girls. She talked about Them, badly. She became to take stuff of Theirs and Throwing it away. The two girls got so sick of it. They went to an adult. The result was not That big. All Three of The girls got written warning. The two girls really didn't like The result but everything did stop. It was good for a while. It was fun and good. Basketball started and it was amazing for The two girls, They worked hard together.

It was about The middle of The school year and Sabrina left her for a different girl. She was a loner now. She didn't have a best friend but many other friends. She just felt left out. She wanted to be positive and didn't want to show That she was falling apart.

Then something exciting and amazing happened on a Monday, on The same school schedule, Their was a new girl but it wasn't a "NEW" girl. Her name was Stephanie. The two girls were best best friends from 3rd grade but Stephanie moved and never had contacted her old friend. They now were back together. They were having so much fun. They were together again. They would have weird conversations and looks That just made Them giggle crazy and nonstop.

"Hey Stephie, what's on The plan for today!"said The girl with a giggle

"I Think we should....... Have fun,Sofia!" With a giggle from Stephanie.

"OK let's get started!" Sofie said with a crazy face and started to laugh

They always had ideas of fun and The future. Stephanie wanted to be a hairstyles or a dentist. Sofie wanted to be a teacher or a lawyer. They always had fun talking about The future. They always had big dreams together. They were even great friends when They had Their own families. They were happy to have each other. They both fixed Their problems.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 18 2013 at 10:28 am
Apostolic-Girl SILVER, Athens, Ohio
7 articles 0 photos 35 comments

Favorite Quote:
...But there are still stars in the dark night sky...

Really good, just remember to proofread... look for capitalization, and typo's.