Loneliness | Teen Ink


April 12, 2013
By bensal BRONZE, Providence, Rhode Island
bensal BRONZE, Providence, Rhode Island
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I had the empty house all to myself that evening. A warm summer night, that somehow felt so bitter cold. I stepped out the front door and felt the cool ocean breeze wrap around my body as I began to gingerly walk my bare feet across the hot, soothing pavement. I walk until I feel the comfort of the cold sand. I look up to see the black ocean covered by the navy blue sky littered with little diamonds. I wander the shore in a crowd of loneliness with my feet dipped in the refreshing water, mesmerized by the beauty of the sea. Goosebumps spread throughout my skin, and I turn and run back home. My ice cold feet slap against the pavement as I return to the one place I didn’t want to go.

The author's comments:
Based on a story told by a friend.

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