Hostile Hostel | Teen Ink

Hostile Hostel

April 22, 2013
By amazinggracie14 BRONZE, Des Moines, Iowa
amazinggracie14 BRONZE, Des Moines, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Originally I wanted to publish this in a handwritten book. Containing only one sentence on a page; in order for people to really think about each sentence, as it’s own story instead of a collection of sentences and paragraphs making a story. But I have decided to type my story in order to save the earth, protect my identity, or any other reason that might change how you view the author or the story I am about to tell. So let’s start from the beginning.

Rudely shaken awake. Roll back over and decide to give the world a second chance to start the day off right.

Lightly shaken awake by someone that I do not like. Slowly climb down from my position on my top bunk to look around my hostel suite and realize I like no one is this room. Beginning to feel trapped.

Begin walking to breakfast to realize that I have no shoes on. Grudgely stomp back to the room to face my hatred another time. Put my shoes on only to realize they carry a rotten smell and are filled with mud from the day before. Think about the location of my other pair of shoes only to realize that they are smashed into my already tight suitcase. Put on stinky, muddy shoes and sulk to breakfast.

At breakfast realize I must sit at a table with more people that I do not like. And another thing I don’t like, whole milk, is the only option for breakfast.

At this point I already wanted to give the bird to the world and it was only eight o’clock in the morning.

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