Catch of the Day | Teen Ink

Catch of the Day

April 30, 2013
By Anonymous

There was a boy named David who loved going fishing. He and his dad were the only two that like to go fishing in his family. One day his dad told David that they were both going to go on a fishing trip to Lake Michigan in a few weeks. David got very excited and could not wait to go to Lake Michigan.
They were just about to leave when the car would not start at all. His dad told him that the car wouldn’t start and they could not go. David was very disappointed, he told all his friends about how fun it was going to be. He went to school the next day and was very sad that he could not go. One of David’s friends asked what’s wrong. He said that he could not go fishing. His friend asked why? David said that the car would not start. He said he felt very sorry for him.

Later that day when his dad came home from work he said that he had some very good news for him. He said that the car is fixed and they can go fishing next week. David was so excited and could not wait to go. There was a problem; David’s best friend’s birthday party was that weekend when they were going fishing. He had a decision, he thought to himself what should I do? After a long time of thinking he made his decision. David’s decision was to go with his dad. David had a long talk with his friend but after he understood about him not going to his party.

David and his father finally left. It was a three hour car ride but it was totally worth it to David. So they get to their hotel and it was a very nice room with a great view of Lake Michigan. It was late so they were going to go fishing in the morning the next day. Right at 6 am they left to go fishing. The fishing was very slow; they only caught one small trout. David was disappointed about not catching anything big. Later that day they went out to eat and overheard some people talking. They were talking about how they caught an enormous amount of fish that was only three miles away from their place. David’s dad went to them and asked them where it was and the one person said just left of your hotel.

When we got there we did not see any fish at all, but anyway David threw his line out there.
He did not catch anything nor his dad. His dad told him to reel in his line. At the last second he felt a really hard tug, so hard that his dad needed to help him. When they reeled in the fish it was 53 inches 14 lbs. It was recorded as the biggest fish in Lake Michigan. When David was older he was on fishing shows and on commercials.

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