No Trust | Teen Ink

No Trust

May 13, 2013
By Gem13 BRONZE, Lakewood, Washington
Gem13 BRONZE, Lakewood, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you stand for nothing you fall for anything

Think of his life as an old shoe, with love and guidance as the seams. Now as you know with old shoes,the seams are often falling unraveled.The shoe is his life, and it's slowly unraveling. Now if you will, picture an old fashioned pail filled to the brim with water. The water is the lonliness in his life.

So you can imagine his realief when an older attractive adult figure started paying attentio to him. She is a cougar both literally and figurtivley that waits until the young dear has stayed away from it's mother.The dear, by a blessing of fate manages to escape, but still has scars accross it's body.

When someone gives you a true good to be true present check the wrapping for it may contain lies and deceit. Watch out for the nasty wolf in the well groomed sheep's costume. When the nice man at the grocery store offers you candy run far, far away. Because it's not other ten year old's that still little kids it's adults. Of course while the barrell is filled with good apples you should always take a knife and cut the apple in half to inspect for worms.

When you skin your knee learn how to clean yourself, mommy and daddy won't always be able to. when it's all said and done the only person you should rely on is yourself.

The author's comments:
The book 'Something Happened' inspired this poem.

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