Clouded Glass | Teen Ink

Clouded Glass

April 25, 2013
By PaulRevere BRONZE, Des Moines, Iowa
PaulRevere BRONZE, Des Moines, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Yellow Sided Die

Opening his eyes to the dark, Jeremy Quick had no recollection of the past 24 hours. Not to say he was an alcoholic of any sort. No, he figured the source of delusion was probably from the giant, throbbing lump he felt on his head. He began to lift his arms to see how bulbous the lump truly was, and if he’d need to go to a clinic to get it checked out. He was quickly restrained though as noticed that an itchy rope was tied around his wrists, also binding him to a chair. This was to no doubt a surprise to Jeremy, and as his eyes began to focus on his dark environment, he realized he had absolutely no idea where he was. Mr. Quick usually loved surprises, but even he felt this one was in the slightest bit off-putting. Perhaps a drink or two had led to a few too many, and he had just accidently hit his head. But his quickly arising questions were answered as fast as they came when a small, cold metallic pipe of some sort pressed against his head, followed by an ominous click that echoed off any and all nearby walls. Jeremy realized that he was not just in for two, but an innumerable amount of surprises tonight.

Joe Talerico was an armed man, just like every other night for him. It wasn’t odd since his job demanded it. Originally an aspiring business man for the white-collared world, Joe lost track of his aspirations at seventeen when his single father passed away. With no parents left, he dropped out of high school to begin working fulltime as to pay the bills and keep arm food in his stomach. He didn’t mind his job though since he ended up getting to work with family and friends. And as a part of the consumer business he enjoyed helping people get what they wanted.

A single bulb clicked on over his head; giving Jeremy just enough light to see that he was in a large, abandoned warehouse. As the light slowly flooded the warehouse, he began to recall more of last night events. He had tucked in his two daughters, kissed his wife goodbye, and had left with a few of his friends from work to a local bar to grab a drink. Jeremy was a part of the investigative unit at the local police department in his part of New York City. He dealt mostly with homicide, arson, and fraud, but had been recently assigned to a new task. None of this mattered anymore though, as he felt the small, cold, metallic pipe shift around his head until a man appeared in front him with a small, cold metallic pistol pointed right at his head.

Giovanni Talerico had been involved in the business for many years. He had finished high school and graduated from college with a degree in business. His father had recently become bed ridden due to old age, but this didn’t bother Gio. His father had been abusive physically and mentally, constantly telling him he’d amount to nothing and leaving the marks to prove it. This served only as an inspiration to Gio though to prove his father wrong. And at the head of his business he had finally felt as if he’d done just that. The only problem on his mind now was some damn cop who was interfering with his work. Not that the guy was any good. The cop, who had been working a lot on homicides, had been ciphering money out of the recently deceased’s bank accounts in order to make a little bit of fast cash. Of course no one ever noticed this though, and people only managed to see the great man he was thought to be. Typical for police. It’d all be better soon though, for he had assigned his nephew Joe to take the guy out. Now it was just a matter of time until reports on the news told him that the task was completed. Sure enough, the headlines came swarming in the next day.

And that was it.

“Investigative cop, Jeremy Quick, was found dead earlier this week. Autopsy reports say he suffered from severe brain damage. The cause is currently unknown. Jeremy had a loving wife and two children. It really is horrible to see such an outstanding officer like this go. Later though, we’ll talk about the effects of your economy and how you can prepare for the hardships bond to be ahead. But first a glimpse at the local weather. This is Mark Hampton, with YLW News.”

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