A Summer's Day | Teen Ink

A Summer's Day

May 15, 2013
By Lauren Blechschmidt BRONZE, Commack, New York
Lauren Blechschmidt BRONZE, Commack, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The bright light shimmered through the window frame, as yellow sun filled the sky. It brought a feeling of warmth of a fireplace. The day had just begun, dirty blonde hair flowing in the breeze, brown eyes gazing out the window, a pink, cozy blanket around tan shoulders, and the gray bags under eye. Going away in an instant as the sun rays hit the freckled face. The sun racing against time, as it eagerly lights the day.
The crashing and splashing of the clear water, the water was alive with swirling and moving with rage, like a tsunami, as the girl jumped in the pool off the white ladder. She gurgled under water, her blonde hair flowing gracefully behind her. She came up out of the silent water, and spit up water. She dripped everywhere, like it was pouring rain, as the water dripped from her body, making the slightest splash on the ground. The pool was cold.
The fresh, lemony, strong smell of the lemonade filled her nose, as she sipped the lemonade, the ice cubes shifted. They seemed like they were alive, moving with the lemon drink. The flowery, earthy, perfumed scent of the flowers around filled her nose, as the trees moved in the breeze, leaving a rugged, earthy scent behind.
Minty, cold ice cream cake on her birthday, with vanilla milk. Covered in creamy wiped cream, in sweet chocolate syrup. The cake went down her throat leaving a cold chill in its place. The flavors danced on her tongue, making her mouth water, eager for more.
The intense moist heat of the weather disappeared, as the cold wind brushed against her face and body. The smooth, hard, white boat went around the flat, dark blue lake. She slowly moved across the wet floor, dirty blonde hair flowing behind her in the breeze, feeling like she was going in slow motion, being so relaxed and graceful, enjoying the moment. Her hands reached for the side of the boat, as she slowly walked from end to end to end, feeling like she was in complete, utter, silent, summer.
The warm weather was finally over, leafs started to crumble, the cold weather time has come, as summer was coming to end, and fall would be a new beginning.

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