Chased | Teen Ink


May 22, 2013
By ZachR. BRONZE, Rosenhayn, New Jersey
ZachR. BRONZE, Rosenhayn, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


The wind felt warm as it rushed past Alex. He was riding his Honda 150cc XR dirt bike in the back of his field. The ground was made of tightly packed dirt which created dust as the tires slid around the corners. There were a few pools of water left over from the last rainstorm. Alex rode up to the far right corner of the dry, unplanted field to wait for his friends to show up. He killed the engine to see if he could hear any other motors. “It’s a nice summer day” he thought to himself. A calm wind pushed through the leaves on the trees causing them to make a rustling noise.

Soon after he had stopped, Alex heard the familiar sound of roaring engines in the distance. “Finally” thought Alex aloud. A red dirt bike and a red and blue three-wheeler came tearing around the corner and slid to a stop next to Alex. The cloud of dust settled and the two other riders removed their helmets. Sam was on the three-wheeler and Tyler was on the dirt bike.

“Sorry we’re so late dude” said Sam. “I had to change my air filter”.

“And I had to replace my spark plugs” said Tyler.

The field was silent except for the wind.

“Well let’s get going” said Alex. The air was suddenly filled with the screaming of engines. Alex tore off down the straight away with the triple at the end; Sam and Tyler were close behind. Alex hit the jump which shot him off the ground and into the air. He pulled off a tail whip before coming down into the curve of the jump perfectly. Sam came down from out of the air and landed flawlessly. Tyler came down with his weight off-center and his bike nearly flung him off. They flew down the path with arcs of sand flying from their back tires. Then things took a turn for the worse. Alex looked behind him to see a huge truck burst out from the woods and begin chasing them. The truck was gaining ground and they had to think of something fast. Alex, Sam and Tyler all looked at each other and they knew they had all thought of the same thing. They pulled into a single file formation and drove into the hidden opening that was only about four to six feet wide. The truck stopped right outside to opening with its horn blaring. Alex and his friends kept going until they were well into the woods. They decided that had been enough for today rode through the woods until they reached the road. The street was empty and there was no sign that anyone may have been there. They eased out into the street and kept in the bike lane. Before they got to their houses they stopped by the warehouse where Alex kept his bike.

“That was a close one” said Alex.

“I definitely agree on that one” stated Tyler.

“Hopefully whoever was in that truck doesn’t know who we are” said Sam.

“Even if they do we can’t get in trouble” stated Alex. “It is my field after all.”

“Alex!” a voice yelled in the distance. “Yo bro earth to Alex!” Alex shook his head and looked over at his friends. They must have showed up while he was day dreaming.

“What were you thinking about?” asked Tyler.

“Just that time the truck chased us into the woods” Alex replied. It was quiet; no one wanted to think about that day at a time like this, Alex broke the silence by saying “Let’s get going then.” And with that they tore off down the straight away.

The author's comments:
This is a partially true event that occurred in my life.

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