Her Fear | Teen Ink

Her Fear

May 22, 2013
By Christina Miller BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
Christina Miller BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Her Fear

Running the race she knew she could win, Megan started to feel that one thing she dreaded the most, dehydration (In past races this was her weakness). Throughout the whole day she had told herself to drink a big glass in the morning, and bring a water bottle to school, which included on the side how much water she should be drinking every two hours. Reaching ever so slowly to her water bottle, it dropped, and a massive crack ran along the whole bottle.

Now in her race she regretted dropping that water bottle, for now she was not only dehydrated in her mouth, but her whole body was overwhelmed with it .Turning every turn and winding through every person, it grew worse and worse. Now deciding to pull out from the girl behind her, she started her kick. Driving her knees up with every step, she stretched out her chest to finish first, in state! Her mind at first, couldn't wrap around the idea that she, Megan Belnap in her senior hear of high school, won.

She looked behind her to see how her teammates were doing. Realizing that she had actually passed one of them, screamed with all the breath left in her to finish strong, and she did. Standing, on the podium with her team, there were no words that could describe the way she felt. Stretching all of their hands out, they grabbed the first place trophy and held it high for their school to see.

The author's comments:
I love to run and I hate the feeling of dehydration so that inspired me to write this.

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