Short Story | Teen Ink

Short Story

May 20, 2013
By TreyOstrum BRONZE, Columbus, Montana
TreyOstrum BRONZE, Columbus, Montana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As they look beyond the horizon they see mountains and trees and some of the trees stand out to them. It's very interesting because in summer and spring trees are full of life, but in the winter the leaves start to fall off. Almost like the tree is sad and it no longer wants to live anymore. As it gets warmer and warmer there is hope that the tree will be happy again.

Jordan asked "Why is life so difficult?"

"I don't know son its just life I guess" said his dad.

"Well why does this tree have to be so sad?" Asked Jordan

"Well when things come up it effects a lot of people. It's just like a family everybody may get mad at each other, but we have to learn how to look past that because it's your family" said his dad.

"I don't understand" said Jordan.

"Lets just put it this way in time things will heal but right now its not going good for anyone. I mean look at that tree its going through a rough time, because of the weather right now. Its dieing because of that" said his dad.

Its hard for Jordan to understand anything right now it is all coming very fast. The dad and the son walked away from the window where they find old pictures on the walls that bring back memories of the good times. They look at all the stuff that use to be and that's the thing it use to be but now its not.

"Why did this happen?" Jordan asked "What did I do wrong?"

"Nothing son, I promise" said his dad.

They never wanted this. Its like someone stabbed these two in the heart and all that came out was sadness and feelings that have been locked away for a long time. Jordan went to his room, he just laid on his bed for the rest of the day thinking about is this really happening to us. He got up and looked down stairs and saw his dad, there were old boxes with folded sides everywhere and writing on them. There was a missing TV that use to hang up above the fire place and the new furniture that use to be there. It was now replaced with the old furniture that had holes in it and had missing buttons to it. There was one stand with a lamp on it with a picture. Not just any picture it had all the memories just in that picture but was now lost. His dad was just looking everywhere he couldn't believe it was happening either. Jordan felt his feelings and there were sad, depressed, and very angry. There was a six pack of beer that was empty besides the one he was still finishing. I could see the beer sweating as it hits the coaster, almost like a tear coming down Jordan's face.

Jordan asked his dad "Will it ever be like it was?"

Taking a deep breath the dad said "I don't know son, I just don't know."

He put down the picture looked at Jordan and went to his room. Jordan just sat there he said to himself "this is really happening," and went back to his room.

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