last year | Teen Ink

last year

June 3, 2013
By hector19 BRONZE, Watsonville, California
hector19 BRONZE, Watsonville, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a chilly Wednesday morning when I was walking down the hall to get my notebook from my locker. On the way there I would always get bullied by some guys because I didn’t know English.

The guy that was bulling ne was Angel. Angel was tough and muscular, everyone was afraid of him. Angel started to grab my notebooks he threw them inside a classroom that students shouldn’t go inside. After he threw them inside the classroom he inquired “go back to Mexico”. The only thing that was going inside my mind his getting my notebooks back. I slowly started to twist the doorknob I was so nervous at that time. When I open the door a weird smell like sour milk. I finally found my notebooks so then I ran out of their without no one knowing that I was inside.

The next day at school Angel was looking for me so he could start making funny of me again as usual. But this time he was with Mr. Mike he started to tell him what I did the day before. Angel cried “Mr. Mike come here this is the student that I told you about”. He found me in a corner of the school with some friends during lunch time that was where I usually got with them. All of us were some of Angel’s victims. Today Angel wasn’t alone he was Diego he was the one that no one miss with him he was taller than Angel and was a lot more smarter than him too. Diego had only met Angel last year in a fight between them. They were buddies ever since most of the time Diego didn’t want anything to do with the bulling.

Angel was starting to hit me hard I could defend myself, so after some minutes Diego couldn’t resist in defending me, but he got scared of Angel. Diego did what he thought was good for me he ran into the main office. Diego got help for Mr. Mike they both went outside to separate Angel from me. The next day Diego was relief that I was okay and that Angel was transfer to a different school. That he wouldn’t bully anyone in the school ever again. At the end he both started to talk and started to hang with each other after that day we became friends.

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