Plane Crash | Teen Ink

Plane Crash

June 3, 2013
By blake stephens BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
blake stephens BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We left on the best day of the week. It seemed like nothing could go wrong, but I did not know what was ahead of me. All I could think about that day was getting down to the beach and getting my money. I was so excided that I forgot to check some of the things of my checklist to make sure the plane was ready for flight. We rolled on out to the runway and took off. I thought it was the best take off I have ever had, but it would be the last one for that plane.

We got to cruise level, and made the announcement saying,” you are free to walk around the cabin”. Then, 20 minutes later, I heard an alarm, saying, “fuel low”. I realized I forgot to check the full. I told everybody to get back in their seats and to fastens their seat belts. Then, the next thing to do was to see how far the closest airport was. There was one not even close. Then the engines quit. All I could think was that we were gliding and we needed to find a spot to land. All I could see was trees. We were losing speed. I was praying we would not go into a stall. Then I saw a field it looked short, but it would have to work. I aimed the plane toward the field. It was quite.
We were 500 feet and closing. I put the gear down. Pull the planes nose up and put the flaps at 35% hoping I would not stall. Then, crash! We hit the field and the plane broke in two. We were hitting corn and other crops. Then the window brakes, and glass digs into my skin. I yelled in pain. Then the worst came, the plane starts rolling on its fuselage. Rolling and rolling, we finally stop.
Then, I see the next part of the plane slide in front of us. I think this plane is a ticking time bomb. We have to get every body out before the fuel gets on fire. I jump out of my seat and start helping people get out of the plane. I see a fire on the grass getting closer and closer to the plane. We get every body out of the plane and a safe distance from it when it blows up. As soon as I sit down, I hear a faint scream for help. The copilot and I run as fast as we can to the faint sound. We find a man. He can’t walk. He broke his legs. I look over and see how close the fire is to the plane and see the fire is a foot away from the fuel tanks. The copilot and I pick the man up and run like hell. We were about a 100 yards away from the plane went booooooooooooooooom.
The blast was so strong; it knocked us straight on our faces. We all covered our heads and sat there as scrap metal rained around us. Everybody was safe.

The author's comments:
I like planes.

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