Alice in Wonderland | Teen Ink

Alice in Wonderland

June 6, 2013
By Imana BRONZE, Los Angeles, Minnesota
Imana BRONZE, Los Angeles, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Alice in Wonderland.

I'm Alice. 17. Living in a small town in Georgia. Well, I used to live in Georgia, today, I'm

moving. “ALICE PUMPKIN HURRY UP, YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE” yelled mother. I had just

graduated from Atkinson County High School and was moving to the big city of Los Angeles. As my

mom said, I was going to wonderland. I was starting my new life away from home, my friends, my

family. Nothing would ever be free again. I was going to sunny California and I was establishing

myself as a young woman. So what if no one thought I was ready, I could do this. I don't have a job per

say, but I'll make it work. It's LA, the land of opportunities! Plus, my best friend since for ever is out

there and she said I can stay with her! There's no room for dooubt though, my bags are packed and the

flying dragon is right outside waiting for me. I said bye to the chickens, talking pumpkins, and pigs on

the ranch in my backyard. The hardest goodbye though was my mother. For as long as I can remember

it was just us on this big ol ranch. I'm getting choked up as I leave her. “You're always welcome home,

and you'll always be my little girl” she wispered in my ear which made it all the more difficult for me

to rip my body away from hers. We exchanged I love you's, some tears, and then finally, I went out

where Phillip the flying dragon awaited me.

“So... when I drop you off in LA, what exactly are you gonna do? It doesn't seem like you have

much of a plan, and its always good to have a plan” said Phillip. “Well, I'm gonna look for a job, and

just stay with my friend until I get on my feet.” I said that with confidence, but to be honest, I had no

idea. I was fresh out of high school for wizardry, but in LA, that doesn't take me very far. I brushed

those thoughts out of my head though. I couldn't afford to look back now, I spent all of my money back

home, all I have is Ashley and Phillip. “Don't worry Phillip, I got this”...”I hope” I wispered after. We

were whizzing through the pink clouds and I look down and see all the states looking like little ants.

My dragon is really fast, so I look back down, and we're landing! Los Angeles, Alice has arrived!!

Ashley! I run up to her super excited and I look at her face, and she's crying. Phillip decided not

to leave, to just wait it out. I asked her what was wrong and all it took were four words to let me know

I had just made a terrible mistake. “I got kicked out.” I heard what she said, and I saw her crying, but I

didn't know how to react. I had no income, no housing, and I was almost 2,000 miles from home.

Shortly after, Ashley and her mom started arguing and they told me I had to leave. I looked at Phillip

with watery eyes and he flew me over to the park. I looked up at the clouds, and they were no longer

pink and fluffy. But grey, and ugly. As we were sitting in the park, Phillip was talking and talking, but

for the first time. I was listening. “Alice, Alice, Alice. You came out here with no plan, no income, no

way of living. You didn't expect the unexpected. In life, nothing goes as expected. You have to factor in

everything sweetheart. The good, the bad, all of it. Your mom tried to warn you, but you wouldn't

listen. It's good to be strong willed, but don't let that turn in to stubbornness, because then you're unable

to let people help you. We'll figure this out together Alice, I promise. It'll be okay. “ spoke Phillip. I

look around. I'm in California, the sun is shining, the tree's are green, and it's a beautiful day. For the

first time in a while, I actually felt like things were going to be okay. “Thank you Phillip. I had no plan,

I came here thinking things would just float by, I'm such an idiot.” I said as I wiped away the tears.

“You're no idiot, you're just young. That's the good thing though, making mistakes is a part of life, as

long as you grow from your mistakes, that's all that matters.”said Phillip. I needed to call my mom, she

would know what to do. Unfortunately, I didn't have a phone. My mom and I though, we had that

mother daughter telethapy. “Mom, if you can hear me, I just want you to know that you were right. You

and Phillip showed me something today. In life, it's good to have a plan. Winging it doesn't always

work. It's nice to have stability. I'm pretty far from home, and I know Los Angeles is the place for me,

but maybe it isn't the place for me right now. So if you can hear me, I'm coming home.” I said. And she

did hear me, and Phillip and I set forth for a ride back to Georgia.

Two weeks later. The whole Los Angeles fiasco was behind me, my bags were unpacked, and I

was just glad to be home. I start college in a month, Phillip taught me a valuble lesson that day in the

park, and that was stability. Going to college, even a community college like I'm going to, opens up

doors. If I was going to go through life, I needed to have every advantage in the book. So as I look

outside my window, and see the pigs, chickens, and talking pumpkins, I feel at home. As I look to my

mother and Phillip all around the dinner table, I feel at ease. I don't know how Phillip fits in our home,

but I guess its where he's meant to be. Ashley, her mom and her settled their differences and they're

living together good to go. I guess things all work out exactly as they should. And for me, Alice, I'm in

my own, strange version of wonderland.

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