The New World | Teen Ink

The New World

June 13, 2013
By Anonymous

I'm writing this in fear that I'm not long for this world, although I'll be happy when it's all over. I feel nothing but sorrow for those who will live beyond my life, because it a life not worth living. "The world is dying." he said with a cold tone to his voice, "We need to ensure the survival of our beloved planet, but in doing so we will have to sacrifice the luxuries we are so used to." Everyone thought he spoke of cars and other forms of mass transportation, things we could truly do without, we were wrong. The luxury he was speaking of was our freedom, the freedom to choose what we do, where we go, and what we say. As soon as we voted the law in, everything changed for the worse. Everyone began to disappear without a trace of ever existing, personal files, mail, Tracehook pages, jobs, entire houses even, just vanished into thin air. No one knew what to make of it and everyone was terrified of who will be next. After a while though people began to stop caring, if it did not happen to them why bother. The disappearances were only the beginning, soon everyone was forced into small dormitories and told that they could not leave, this caused mass panic and riots, which in turn caused the mass slaughter of innocent who rebelled. Even with all the weapons we had we didn't stand a chance, our government was so much more advanced in the killing department, with all the red tape and classified files how could we know what we were up against. Eventually we were all captured and forced to live in this tiny apartment complex. Life in the Dorms was as if living in a high school class room 24/7, one person watching over a thousand, all of us working to ensure that we all survived, making what ever our overseer told us to. Soon people had enough and began to kill themselves by jumping out of the windows, after about a hundred or so deaths they installed window bars and safety nets to ensure that no one could escape or die trying. While our government officials were living in the lap of luxury, traveling the world freely, we were living in our eight by ten concrete hell waiting for the day we die. Attempted rebelling only made things worse, if you even so much as touched a guard they would remove your fingers and string you up as a display to keep the rest of their captives in check. All in all we brought this upon ourselves, distracted by celebrities and other non-sense, too focused on these glowing boxes to even care what was really going on in our world, taking what ever "truth" we were spoon fed, we should have known that they were controlling it all. Well, we did, We're the ones that put them there. They've finally come for me, I hope this message reaches someone, some where, keep an eye on who you chose to control you, if you can chooses off the flip of a coin there is something that needs to change.

The author's comments:
I was reading up on possible laws and conspiracies when I found something called Agenda 21, I'm not sure if it is real or not but it inspired me to write this.

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