bully | Teen Ink


June 4, 2013
By andrew abellera BRONZE, Watsonville, California
andrew abellera BRONZE, Watsonville, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My name was Timmy; I was a new student at Little Rock high school in Arkansan. I was placed in an advanced English and Math class. I met a boy named Johnny in my P.E. class he seemed nice and I thought he was my friend, but as soon as we got out of sight of the teachers he was completely different.
He threw me against the wall holding me by the shirt and barked at me, “listen here I run this school and don’t you dare try to interfere with that, or else! And by the way, don’t even think about telling anybody about this or else you can expect me to be coming for you.”
All I could do was just nod my head. I couldn’t concept what had just happened. One minute he was my friend and the next thing I know he is ordering me around. I just brushed it off thinking “he was just joking,” but I realized that he wasn’t the next day. I had gotten the last hamburger at lunch and he commanded me to give it to him, I just chuckled still thinking he was still joking but he then punched me in the guilt and took the hamburger. This was when I realized that he wasn’t joking and that he was serious.
From that point on I tried to avoid him in fear of being harmed again. One day I ran into Johnny and his friends in the hall in between classes. He instructed me to give him my money, when I denied his friends began to beat me up. They punched and kicked me repeatedly and aggressively even when I fell to the floor. Johnny stayed out of it but not to be nice or kind, but to go through my back pack and take my money. When Johnny ordered them to stop He warned me, “Don’t you ever say no to me again!” as he kicked me in the face knocking me out.

When I woke up I was in the nurse’s office with my mother right there next to me. She had a look of worry in her eyes in anguishing fear of me being severly injured.as she wiped away a river of tears from her face. She asked me “what happened” and I said that I fell down the stairs in fear of Johnny and his friends hurting me again for telling.
The nurse later came in and told me of my injuries. She said that I had a broken nose, and a broken knee. I missed school for about a month to let my injuries heal.
When I went back to school I thought things would be different I thought the teachers would try to protect me more, but they didn’t.
Johnny still bullied me and the teachers still turned the other cheek.
Eventually everyone began to join in on the torment on me trying to be funny. They would ask things like, “how the nose Pinocchio,” in a sarcastic voice or “Why you limping you stupid cripple,” when they knew it was because of my previously broken leg.
I soon began to start cutting but when that didn’t help I began to start ditching class a lot. Everything started to get better now that I wasn’t seeing Johnny any more. Even though I had to ditch class to do so it was worth it.
A few weeks went by without seeing Johnny. I was at the mall wearing some new cloths that my mom had just bought me. I was heading to the bath room when I saw him. Johnny had skipped class too. My happiness had immediately dropped.
When he saw me he sarcastically said, “Well look who it is, our old friend.”
I just replied in a trembling voice “I don’t want any trouble.”
He then told me “you don’t want any trouble huh, while chuckling with a grim look in his eyes as if he had gone insane. Well if you don’t want any trouble then… give me your shoes!”
Johnny then yelled,” What did I say about saying no to me!” As he punched me in the gut. It hurt so badly and I couldn’t hold it in, I began to cry as I fell to my knee. I was in pain crying and nobody cared or did anything.
One of his friends recorded it and put it on YouTube, Face book, etc… Everyone in the school saw I and began to call me cry baby, wuss, but the worst part was that none of the teachers stood up for me they just went on teaching their lesson like it never happened.
One day I just couldn’t take it any more. My mom came to wake me up for school when she saw me. She saw me hanging there as she fell to her knees in tears. I was hanging by my belt which I had attached to the closet door. She screamed my name as she got up as if I would reply, as she gripped my hand with grif as if I would return.
Every one started to remorse my death and say how bad they felt for me when in fact they didn’t care until now. No one at my school cared about me until I was dead. The only people who ever cared about me were my parents. I don’t know why every one picked on me. I didn’t do anything to deserve this but they still picked on me. Every one tried to say they didn’t pick on me but every time they laughed at on of Johnny’s pranks was just as bad. They didn’t know this but when they laughed at his jokes all they did was just encourage him to continue.

The author's comments:
it is about a kid who is bullied for being the new kid.

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