My Husband Was A Killer | Teen Ink

My Husband Was A Killer

May 22, 2013
By Anqiee1015 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Anqiee1015 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everything happens for a reason "

The glass from the door broke and shattered; a sound like a brick hit the floor. Kianalee was scared. she froze like a piece of ice. “What am I going to do she said in her head”! she ran to the closet and hid all the way in the back, she soon remembered that her mom was down stairs as she thought that she head a big “BOOM” it was as loud as a falling building. She soon heard her mom screaming HELP but the girl was to scared to move. Kianalee then thought she could jump out the window with tied blankets, so that’s what she did she flew down like if she was a flying air plane. She twisted her ankle but still manage to get up and run like if she was a racing car. The mom was still in the house she had got shot by her dad , The young girl Kianalee then ran to her dads job and asked for him but seem to be he wasn’t their she went back home and peeked in the front door and she seened her dad take his mask off!
She said , “ Dad are you serious you killed mom”
His reply was “ I had to hunnie god whispered in my hear and told me it was time for her to leave us.”
She was frightened “ her eyes were wide opened , she didn’t know what to do but cry.
Her dad went up to her and said sweetie your going to be fine your mom is in heaven were god wanted her to be .
She replied , and said how dare you do such a thing that was my mom, I don’t care what god told you to do I don’t care what god whispered in your ear that was your wife and that was my mom and you did something so wrong , my life will never be the same.
The next day she went to school and her boyfriend, Joan , was there and she showed him pictures of her mom in her casket and she started crying and he got up from his chair and gave her a big hug and let her cry on his shoulder.
After that time she saw her mom going 13 feet underground, and she wanted to go with her mom , she couldn’t sleep at all she cried herself to sleep when she would think of her mom, she wouldn’t want to eat she wanted to kill herself.
After a while her dad saw that what he did affected his daughter but he always said he couldn’t betray what god told him, in god he believed. The girl saw her dad in prison, cried because she didn’t know what to do , the boy she loved lived ,miles away he was the reason why she woke up everyday and she kept moving forward in life but then they broke up and she still loves him , but he’s a player and she cant anything to stop him . After a while they got back together and got married and she got pregnant. One day her husband woke up and said,
“baby, god whispered in my ear. “
Kianalee called the doctors.

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