"alright" | Teen Ink


June 18, 2013
By Anonymous


The entire senior class of 2012 was at her funeral today. At her wake, every single senior at Hudson High School signed the guestbook. Some cried until they had not even a single tear left to express how sad they were. Most sat in their seats in awe, shocked at how sudden her death was. But all of them, in her honor, took a pledge to never text and drive again, and they meant it. Only four days ago, she was just about to graduate...

“And the final graduate of Hudson High School is... Kathryn Winthrop!” She walked up the steps for a final time with her head held high, preparing to receive her diploma. As she reached the stage, her wide smile grew even wider. The crowd began to cheer loudly as her fingertips grasped the diploma.
Kathryn was a pretty blond haired, and blue eyed girl who just loved life in general. She was loved at her school by everyone, yet she didn’t even look at most of them as her friend. She even played every school sport, from swimming to track, just to make herself feel accomplished. Her parents, who were also active in doing things for the community, couldn’t have been prouder of their one and only daughter.
The graduation hats flew off and into the air as Kathryn and her senior class had officially graduated.

The next day, she had made plans with some of her friends and was just about ready to go out. As she danced out the door, she put on a bright smile toward her parents and exclaimed

“I graduated!”, just realizing it for the first time.

Kathryn’s parents waved goodbye to her as her shiny new silver Volvo slowly backed out of the driveway. Little did they know that this was the last thing they would see her do.

As Kathryn’s car zipped down the otherwise vacant street, she texted her friend Ruth, who was on her way as well.

Ruth was one of Kathryn’s best friends. They met in preschool, and have been the best of friends ever since. They have planned this for weeks and couldn’t wait to spend their first day as graduates together.

Kathryn giggled at Ruth’s cruel jokes and even texted some back.

Meanwhile, the never ending dirt road turned into a busy streets, just as the clear blue sky started to fade into a warm orange and yellow sky.

Kathryn almost crashed into a speeding car as forgot to look up from her phone, almost running through a red light. In reaction to this, she texted Ruth,

“ill txt u when i get there k”

She cautiously slipped her phone into her pocket and curled her fingers around the wheel. She stared at the road ahead, careful not to get distracted by even the slightest sound. However, as soon as her phone violently vibrated in her pocket, Kathryn went out of her way to look at it, putting more force on the gas pedal. Little did she notice that the green light turned into yellow, which quickly changed to red.

She opened that ever-so-important text with a desire to know what Ruth would respond. She pressed the open button which came out to two letters


A truck coming from the left then smashed into Kathryn’s brand new Volvo as she went right through the red light, not being able to see from that direction. Kathryn almost jumped out of her seat as the car spun around in reaction to the hit. Other cars started to crash into hers, as they couldn’t stop short in time. That once bright and shining new car had become totaled, and somehow landed upside down. A total of nine cars were in the accident, but none of the other cars were as bad as Kathryn’s. A high pitched scream for help arose from the destroyed driver’s seat of the Volvo, crying for at least someone to help. Kathryn’s head spewed blood as she laid in that seat, feeling like these were her last moments. She wanted the pain to go away, she welcomed her death. Her phone flew and barely reached the windows, flying out of where there used to be glass.

Five minutes had passed and both the police and ambulance had arrived, searching for anything left behind. By then, all of the cars had gone, along with the people too traumatized to witness the event.

Kathryn, becoming weaker by the second, let out a small cry of help. The ambulance had found her and taken her away. By her appearance, the doctors knew that her time was limited, yet had taken her to the hospital anyway to see what they could do.
She was a wreck, just like the unfixable Volvo that was left stranded in the middle of the street. A massive cloth bandage was wrapped around the side of her head, the place where she was the most injured. The blood still found a way to seep through, K athryn, during the ride, had become unconcious from the large amounts of blood that was lost. Her face was nearly white, but still had enough color for the paramedics to know that she was still alive. However, there was little hope that she would make it in time to even get to the hospital.
The ambulance truck had finally arrived at the hospital to find all of the people Kathryn was going to hang out with. Her parents, however, weren’t able to make it, as they decided to go out of state to see her dying grandmother. Ruth, sitting on the sidewalk, sobbed in fear of losing her best friend. She wouldn’t even budge when her other friends seemed to swarm the moving stretcher as it came out of the truck.
She finally decided to go in the hospital when she came to the realization that Kathryn might die.
The stretcher was brought to an emergency room and was left there as Kathryn, still unconscious, lay there.
The crowd soon surrounded the bed as Kathryn was placed on to it, and prayed for her to be alive.
Hours later, the crowd died down as they believed that she was already dead. Ruth, however, stayed, asking her for one last thing.
“I want you to remember me.”
“Ok,” gasped Kathryn, who then took her final breath on Earth.
The room went silent as Ruth pulled the cover over the now colorless face and stared at who was once her best friend.

Now, at the funeral, the senior class of 2012 was ready to celebrate life and start a new beginning, having Kathryn in mind...

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drc5678 said...
on Sep. 23 2013 at 7:27 pm
drc5678, Middleton, Massachusetts
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I wrote this!