Identities and Secrets. . . | Teen Ink

Identities and Secrets. . .

July 1, 2013
By britlove12345 BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
britlove12345 BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

RING! RING! RING! The sound of my cell phone startles me as I jump out of bed to answer it. It is 3:30 a.m. and I am hoping the call is from one of my girlfriends because I am dreading the one hour and 30 minutes I have left of sleep time. I grab my phone, ever so lazily, only to see that it is my job. “Bexar County Medical Examiner Laboratory” my phone reads. I take a minute to contemplate whether I should slide the screen to answer or simply flick it up to decline. After a minute of contemplating, I answer. I walk out of my room and into the hallway being ever so quiet, as to not wake Jonathan up. He shifts a little as I remove his arm from around my waist. He looks very timid, as if he’s afraid to let go so I give him a quick kiss on his cheek and run into the hallway to take my business call.
“Dr.Bleu speaking” “Um... goodnight Chief. I am sorry to call you on your day off but we need you down here immediately! A young woman has reported a dead woman in a trash bag on the corner of Mill Drive Road and 9th street.” As Henderson continues talking I think to myself “This is the fourth missing body reported for the whole week.” Henderson stops talking and I start to babble away making my voice very clear and stern. “Okay Henderson, I am going to need for you to gather as much information as you can from the young lady. I will meet you on Mill drive Road in a couple, guard the bag and block all crossways.” I hang up immediately and begin to get dressed. On my way out I kiss Johnny goodbye and head down the hall to kiss my beautiful children, Nathaniel and Madison. I quickly kick the door open to begin another action-filled day at work.
Driving through the streets of Los Angeles at 4 a.m. is usually a breeze. The street lights are on and the lights to houses are off. I find some time to clear my mind and find myself smiling. “I love my job” I think to myself. The feeling of adrenaline pumps throughout my body as I step on the gas, increasing the speed of my car by 100! As I turn onto Mill drive Road I the stop the car instantly. The sounds of the EMT trucks fill my ears. I run over to where Henderson and the young woman are standing. I introduce myself and the young lady tells me that her name is Sarah Riche. “I was so scared!” Sarah exclaims. “I was out looking for food for my brother and I. Both of our parents recently passed away and we’ve been on our own.” “Did you happen to spot any evidence around the area the bag was left Sarah? “ I say. “No. My first thought was to call for help,” Sarah begins sobbing. “Okay, thank you Sarah, you are free to go. Henderson get this young lady and her brother something to eat, please, and meet me back at the laboratory STAT!
I walk into the examination room and begin to put on my gloves. I review my tools to make sure I have everything I need to begin the autopsy. I begin to draw blood from the deceased body to test for any presence of drugs. I grab my bread knife and begin to cut open the pelvic area making my way to the uterus. I take a few samples for sperm or sexually transmitted diseases. I quickly examine the face. I notice a few battered marks which included a bruised lip and a broken nose. I slide my eyes down to the neck and notice fingerprints as if the woman was choked. I slide my eyes back up to the woman’s face and examine closely. I shake my head in disbelief. “There must have been other weapons present. The murderer could not have done so much harm with his hands” I say to Henderson. Henderson quickly begins to take x-rays of the body’s skull and face as I wait for the results of the blood tests.
Hours pass and I begin to check the blood samples. I closely examine the blood from the woman’s veins and come across substances of Benzodiazepines. I examine the blood drawn from the uterus and come across samples of semen. As Henderson and I put our heads together, we come to the conclusion that this woman was most likely drugged by a stranger who raped and killed her using a hammer to break her nose, lips and temples and who strangled her to death. Henderson begins to file the information as Will and Harris carry the body to the morgue. I give Henderson a smile as I walk out of the laboratory and he smiles back. Another job well done.
I come home to Johnny making breakfast. He walks over to me and kisses me on my forehead. “Rough night? “ He says. “Come on. I’ll run a bath for you and bring your breakfast to you in bed.” I smile as he carries me up the stairs to our bathroom. “Where are the kids?” “They are still sleeping; you have nothing to worry about babe. They are safe, just relax.” Johnny smiles at me and my heart nearly melts. I climb into the bathtub, lay back, close my eyes and smile. Finally, I dreamt big and my big dreams have come true!

The author's comments:
This piece was inspired by a project my English teacher assigned called Dream Big. It was basically a project on our lifetime goals and achievements and what we want in life.

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