Everyone Has A Reason | Teen Ink

Everyone Has A Reason

June 20, 2013
By soldierslegacy BRONZE, Topeka, Kansas
soldierslegacy BRONZE, Topeka, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I know what it's like to fall from the pedestal you tricked yourself to be on. To fall from it and realize- you didn't lose much. And it gets harder, falling further and further.. Trying to catch what simply never existed in the first place."

A boy once told me, “Everyone looks to the night sky for a reason.” I considered it, for just a moment. He had a point, considering that people will look in despair. Happiness. Pain, and freedom. The sky.. it meant a lot, to many people. And then, he asked me. “What do you look up to the sky for?” But, I could not respond. To these people, I am strong. To these people, I am happy, put-together, and I have a good life.

But, I do not feel like I do. I look to the sky, because it seemed just as empty and lonely as I do. I liked that each star were on their own. And the stars that were together, they looked like one. They were spread far apart, creating shapes and images. It represented humanity to me, but it wasn't the reason why I looked. It was empty, and wide, and beautiful. It was something I can depend on. One day, clouds may cover it, but I knew where it was. I knew at one point, it would come back and I'd be happy to see it once more.

“I don't have a reason. I simply stop to look.” I look to be reminded that I'm human. That, even when surrounded by darkness, I'd have a light inside that would be seen. Hopefully, I would be seen by other lights, people, and they'd come closer. And eventually, we all would be surrounded in light. There'd be no pain.

“What! Everyone has a reason, c'mon.” But, I didn't respond. I simply smiled, taking a glance at the sky.

The author's comments:
It's something that's happened to me. I can't remember his face, or his name. Only his voice. And it echoes in my head, each time I look up to the stars. "Everyone looks to the night sky for a reason." And, I finally decided to do it.

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