The Imaginary Life | Teen Ink

The Imaginary Life

July 17, 2013
By Car17 SILVER, Ingleside, Texas
Car17 SILVER, Ingleside, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrusted upon them."

Do you know what it feels like to be living a life where you completely don't fit in? Do you know what it feels like where people think you are a brave and strong person? But in reality, you are hiding all the pain deep down inside for a very long time. You didn't expect it to happen this way, or just didn't expect it at all... Where wanting to go to sleep every night because you can't bare the pain you are living in. When you go to sleep at night that's when you know the imaginary life from within is truly where your heart belongs; that's the one place where you can create your own world where no one can ever make you feel that pain again. Who knew that living in an imaginary life could be so much better than living your reality. When you close your eyes at night the first thing that appears in your mind is the happiest place your heart could ever imagine be. Your heart just wants to be with that one person you love and wish you could be with. It's ironic that your heart creates the adventure to your mind. Your heart just wants to be with that one person, but that one person doesn't even know you exist. That's why you are in pain in the real life you are living. Th explains why you prefer dreaming at night than living in reality, because living in an imaginary life you can create any life you want it to be. But I guess that's why they call it The Imaginary Life.

The author's comments:
I just feel like some people in this world is so afraid to chase after something worth chasing that they let their fears stop them, and I certainly can connect to them.

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