Desperation Calls | Teen Ink

Desperation Calls

July 20, 2013
By mnandaku GOLD, Markham, Other
mnandaku GOLD, Markham, Other
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Hello?” She said.

“Maya, hi.” I said, relieved that she had finally picked up.

“Is something wrong? Are you feeling alright?”

“No, I’m fine honey…I…I just wanted to hear your voice.”


“You haven’t visited me very much since-”

“I know.” She said flatly.

I hesitated; “I miss you.”


“Honey, you there?”


“Is there something wrong with your phone?”




“I’m sorry. You know that right?” My voice begins to crack.



“Yeah. I know.”

“Mama would have wanted-”

“Don’t tell me what she would have wanted.” She snapped.


“Look…I gotta go, It’s Ella’s bedtime.”

“How is she? I… haven’t seen her in a long time.”

“She’s…been having trouble sleep. She makes me check for monsters.” I can tell she’s smiling. I grinned; “tell her monsters don’t exist.”

“They do.”


“I gotta go.”



There was more I needed to say.

“I love you.”


I could hear her breathing.


The author's comments:
Desperation Calls- Dialogue between Maya and her estranged abusive father. He tries to apologize and make amends, but Maya cannot forgive him for his wrong-doings. The father lives with the consequence of losing his daughter the day he chose to lay a hand on her mother.

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