Fighting For a Piece of Heaven | Teen Ink

Fighting For a Piece of Heaven

July 31, 2013
By Tara Rahman BRONZE, Roslindale, Massachusetts
Tara Rahman BRONZE, Roslindale, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

His body was sweating as if he was standing a few inches away from the sun. He looked like he didn't eat anything in days and that was probably true. He was an ill-fated child. But its ironic how his name is Felice; Felice means prosperous, but he wasn't. Neither did he have money, happiness or success. But to be honest, he didn't look poor at all except the way he dressed. His oval face with two dark hazel eyes gave him a very innocent look. His straight edge shaped nose and baby like lips added an extra richness. But poverty overshadowed his appearance. It didn't let him enjoy his childhood. He came down to the road wearing pretty heavy clothes considering it was 90 degrees outside. He didn't choose his clothes to get fried under the sun but he didn't have a choice. Those were the only clothes he had. He wore black pants with a black shirt and a ripped cap. The cap wasn't covering the most part of his head and the sun was probably hitting him there. Plus, he was barefoot. He was walking on the sidewalks that felt like a pan in the stove. He had newspaper in his hand and he was trying to sell them to the people, but not very many seem to notice him. How would they? He was this 4 feet something kid in a crowd of 6 feet tall men. It wasn't safe for the 9 year old to sell things there, but what could he do? He was only source of money in his family. His father died a long time ago while fighting during world war II and his mother was paralyzed from the shock of his father’s death. He was the oldest out of the four siblings, so he had to take all the responsibilities. He had to sell all these news papers and bring some food home. The kids at home were probably sitting at the broken door and waiting desperately for him to come. The hut they lived in doesn't have a roof anymore. So, every night they would either take a shower in the rain or bathe in moonlight. But would he be able to collect enough money to buy food for four? He doesn't even worry about himself. He ate probably once in three days but he doesn't care. The only goal in his life was to give the kids their food, their little heaven.

The author's comments:
Tara is a kind of person who likes to explore the Eastern world because her family is from Eastern India. She is currently a sophomore at Boston International High School. She mostly likes to write dark fictions. She attended the YAWP fellowship at Grub Street. It’s a program that lets teen write and explore themselves. Her work will appear in “The Drum” and “YAWP Anthology 2013”. Apart from writing dark fiction, she likes to “understand” Shakespeare's romantic dramas.

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