Red Hair | Teen Ink

Red Hair

September 14, 2013
By Madame-Smith BRONZE, Midland, Texas
Madame-Smith BRONZE, Midland, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We watched, with bated breath, as the young woman stepped to the edge of the rooftop, looking down upon us all. She didn't seem scared, but that might have been because of how hard it was to see her face, as it looked at us from over two hundred feet below her.

Officers were already on their way to the top, but the skyscraper was far too tall for them to make it up in time. She was going to jump. We all knew it.

Crowds of people flooded the streets, staring up at her. The people of this city never missed an opportunity to see something exciting. Though it was hard to see her, you couldn't miss her long, curly red hair. The curls fell down to her waist, hanging freely, blowing around in the gentle breeze. Her pale skin stuck out against the black sky. I pictured playing with her hair again, twisting it around my fingers.

All of this was due to nothing more than a misunderstanding. A mistake. And because of it, my beloved Amy stood at the top of a building, prepared to take her own life.

Sirens wailed and ambulances and firetrucks arrived. What could they do? Sit and watch with the rest of us?

She turned around, her back facing us. She held out her pale arms, and I could imagine her closing her eyes, as she lifted up her leg, and began to fall down.



The fall seemed endless. A few people crowded around where they thought she might land, hoping to catch her. Most of them stepped out of the way, deciding not to intervene. The police joined them.

I stood rooted to the spot, mesmerized by the way her midnight blue dress billowed around her... How her fiery mane of hair flew about.
A sheriff yelled an order at his officers, firemen came running from their trucks, and paramedics prepared a gurney.

I held my breath as her thin form got closer to the ground. Now, I can see her clearly. I see her red nail polish shining in the street lights. Now, I think I can see the freckles that I know covered her face.

She looked so calm, so utterly relaxed. Here eyelids didn't even flutter. In fact she looked like she was sleeping. I saw her pale lips move, whispering words I'd never hear.
I closed my eyes.

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