Today in the Forest | Teen Ink

Today in the Forest

September 6, 2013
By ForrestWiltonRivers BRONZE, Trumbull, Connecticut
ForrestWiltonRivers BRONZE, Trumbull, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Today I discard my trace from society. Leaving apart the luxuries man has given and force fed me through tubes and gauges. Today I make my world in the woods earth has given us. Maybe there I will find god, maybe there I will cast apart my uncaring ways that society and I have cruelly implanted in me.
There in the forest I must find the god that exists in all human beings, what truly makes us immortal is the prospect of everlasting choice and solace. In this forest I will dwell not in misery anymore but peace. Peace not in societies acceptance or gilded love but my own love. I do this not for my forefathers who have turmoiled in work and discomfort. I do this for the first time for myself.
Today I go into the forest, where maybe I will find religion, where maybe I will find myself.

The author's comments:
Today I head into the woods.

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