The Storm | Teen Ink

The Storm

September 24, 2013
By MKJ279 BRONZE, Neosho, Missouri
MKJ279 BRONZE, Neosho, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The first sign: flashes in the distance. Soon I hear the loud clashes narrorating the bright burstsof light as it flashes past my window, illumunating the room brighter than the fixture on the ceilingcould. A sudden streak shoots near, making the lights across the yard flicker. I sneak a look at the digitalclocks in the kitchen since my bedroom is barren of any evidence time exists. One clock says the time,the other waits to be reset. The roar of the rain soon accompanies te thunder and lightning.The windseems to be pushing down on the branches of the walnut tree in the back yard.

The rain momentarily stops, along with the thunder and lightning. The wind stays motionless,letting the little bit of rain be the one shaking the leaves. Some movement, but not a lot; especially notenough to consider dangerous.

I once again check the time, and it’s getting late. The realization drains my energy, and the rainisn’t much help. A soft rain soon lulls me to sleep, leaving me drifting in my own thoughts.

The author's comments:
I wrote this during a storm, with only a composition book page, a pen, and some insomnia.

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