Internal Conflicts | Teen Ink

Internal Conflicts

September 26, 2013
By TalontedEagle BRONZE, Perrysburg, Ohio
TalontedEagle BRONZE, Perrysburg, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The day started out just like any other. That was the problem. Wake up late, shower, eat, and leave for school. The tasks had become repetitive and cumbersome. Daily life was boring and uninteresting. My girlfriend realized that there was something wrong. I don’t blame her. She doesn’t seem to be invested in our relationship, anyways. Today was different, though. Something interesting happened.
A new student, a girl, was in my homeroom. She didn’t seem to want to draw attention to herself because after she was introduced by the teacher, she didn’t say a word. I’m kind of a loner myself, so I can relate. Every day after that, I couldn’t help but steal a few glances at her. She had dark hair, almost like mine. Her round face held brilliant green eyes above her thin nose. She was shapely, but not overly so.
It was Friday. Date night. I barely remembered it until I realized I was in the lunch room with my girlfriend and she reminded me.
“So, what are we doing tonight “, she said.
“It’s Friday. Are we going to your house or mine?”
“Oh, it doesn’t matter to me”, I said. I always said that. I don’t mean to, it just seems trivial to me.
“Are we going to go see a movie or just hang out?”
“Makes no difference to me,” I said. I could see she was getting upset. My evasive answers didn’t match her standards.
We did end up watching a movie, at my house, in fact. The night didn’t end well, though. Answering her questions the same way I did before made her leave livid. I didn’t think we were going to last long, by the looks of it. Like I said, life has been boring. So, honestly, breaking up would probably be a good thing. Sure enough, the next day, we did. There was no argument, no yelling, no rebuttal. It was a mutual agreement that she proposed. I’m as non-confrontational as it gets, which will make getting to know the new girl, a challenge.

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